15^50 Storm Bow, 15^50 Ivory, 14^50 Mursaat Horn
Decided since I do not really play RNG anymore to put my bows up for sale. I will be taking ingame offers on these also and will update as often as possible.
I have not set any starting bids, or B/O.
All the bows are perfect, except the the Horn which has 10:9 and 14^50. However I have a 10:10 String in storage which I will add on. Since I havent played RNG I just havent put it on. Happy Bidding.
I will be Ending this Wed. 10/12/05 @ 9pm EST.
<1>:60k - I Tain I (In Game) Decided the C/O if just to low. Basicly getting the bow for 20k, since this came with a 10:10 sund string. 20k for a Mursaat Horn 14^50 is no where near what it goes for. I will prolly relist it with Storm and set a Start Bid with a B/O and see if that helps. Sorry.
Actually ended up selling this. Current Bidder decided to up the offer to a reasonable amount.
<2>:60k - Heavenly Skyfire (In game) No Problems with this. I will look for you in game.
<3>: Well In the end I actually sold this. I was given a offer I liked and decided to take it.
Sorry for taking up everyones time.
I reserve the right to not sell if I do not like the offers. I also reserve the right to sell If I like a offer given to me.
Decided since I do not really play RNG anymore to put my bows up for sale. I will be taking ingame offers on these also and will update as often as possible.
I have not set any starting bids, or B/O.
All the bows are perfect, except the the Horn which has 10:9 and 14^50. However I have a 10:10 String in storage which I will add on. Since I havent played RNG I just havent put it on. Happy Bidding.
I will be Ending this Wed. 10/12/05 @ 9pm EST.
<1>:60k - I Tain I (In Game) Decided the C/O if just to low. Basicly getting the bow for 20k, since this came with a 10:10 sund string. 20k for a Mursaat Horn 14^50 is no where near what it goes for. I will prolly relist it with Storm and set a Start Bid with a B/O and see if that helps. Sorry.
Actually ended up selling this. Current Bidder decided to up the offer to a reasonable amount.
<2>:60k - Heavenly Skyfire (In game) No Problems with this. I will look for you in game.
<3>: Well In the end I actually sold this. I was given a offer I liked and decided to take it.
Sorry for taking up everyones time.
I reserve the right to not sell if I do not like the offers. I also reserve the right to sell If I like a offer given to me.
30k on #1 to start bid
Lord Sasuke
ill start at 40k on both the mursaat and storm bow
Ryo Miyoko
80k on storm
Ryo Miyoko
100k on storm geez i know this will go up more lol
Ryo Miyoko
120k on storm =P lol
jenna mysti
200k on storm bow
ign crissy mae
ign crissy mae
Ryo Miyoko
210k on it
Mistress Nocturnal
50k on mursaat
220 on storm
220 on storm
#2 50k
#3 300k
#3 300k
DV Morpheus
#3 400k (100k + However many Ectos that equals out to)
Blue Steel
Edit: Please note, I am withdrawing my bid as well as expired and no longer appropriate in light of the changing game economy. My sincerest apologies for any inconvenience.
DV Morpheus
Retract bid.
50k number 2
lady faithful
lady faithful
I Tain I
Posting my in-game bid of 60k for #1. Information on auction end would be appreciated.

Missy Osiris
soo wats the c/o for #3 now ? i wanna know
Auction Closed