Minor reserves on all.
Please leave IGN and bid
My IGN: Chinese Belle
Fellblade 14% everytime, Mursaat, more hammers, swords and mods!!
5K on number 17 (the mesmer cane)
Bumpy bump for the day
Sample Attack
How Do you put the picture like that?? Can you please tell me? Thank you... Bumpp ~~~~~
I might bid on 17, not sure if I already have one like it. It also might help if you resized that pic to a maximum width of 640 crimsonfilms, cause I'm having difficulties posting.
I might bid on 17, not sure if I already have one like it. It also might help if you resized that pic to a maximum width of 640 crimsonfilms, cause I'm having difficulties posting.
10k on 1 would like to talk bout a b/o ign satanic slayer
I will try to split the picture in to 2. Making it too small makes the text unreadable.
Also, you can PM me if you want to discuss B/O. I don't mind.
Thanks all
I will try to split the picture in to 2. Making it too small makes the text unreadable.
Also, you can PM me if you want to discuss B/O. I don't mind.
Thanks all
1. 150K in game
4. Sold
14 Sold
19 Sold
1. 150K in game
4. Sold
14 Sold
19 Sold
5k for #5. IGN Tane Tannald.
Noble Knight
3k #16
Noble Knight
Noble Knight
5k on #13
last bump