Does anyone else think the pet feature in guild wars could be drastically improved? I think a Pet screen would be nice, a way to see its damage range, health, armor, evolution bonus’s etc. Also a way to set how it acts for example, aggressive (attacks anything) or passive (only attacks if you attack or attacked) would be such a huge improvement.
And I’m sure everyone out there would LOVE a way to make your pet ATTACK a target without you having to attack first!
This would just be a cool feature but how good would it be if you’re pet actually changed in looks more then a simple glow at lv20? For example a snow wolf turns whiter + teeth become bigger, dune lizard grows horns etc. More would be nice too. Ha ha I’m really demanding huh?
Yes with some improvements, I believe pets will be a more common site in PvP because quite frankly they suck at the moment.
Pet Improvements + Problems!!!
That would be so sweet!! Personally, I don't use pets (they sorta suck sometimes) but I agree that there are some much needed changes.
After all, Anet should improve some part of the ranger's skills, instead of nerfing everything they can get they're hands on.
After all, Anet should improve some part of the ranger's skills, instead of nerfing everything they can get they're hands on.
Mercury Angel
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