Unidentified Purple Crystalline Sword (Max) (Req 9)
kimo the healer
If you want this, make a bid and leave your IGN.
whats your b/o?
IGN dread pirate samuel
im loggin on atm
IGN dread pirate samuel
im loggin on atm
el rebelde
b/o ??
ingame el rebelde
ingame el rebelde
Originally Posted by el rebelde
b/o ??
ingame el rebelde buy out
aka whats the "sell immed for x k " bid
40k cause i like a gamble
ingame el rebelde buy out
aka whats the "sell immed for x k " bid
40k cause i like a gamble
kimo the healer
I don't have a b/o. If you make me a good offer, i will sell.
I sold a clean max crystalline sword for 70k a few months back.
It should go higher than this. If not, i will just hang on to it.
I sold a clean max crystalline sword for 70k a few months back.
It should go higher than this. If not, i will just hang on to it.
el rebelde
75k ingame el rebelde
70k +1ecto..
ign dread pirate samuel
ign dread pirate samuel
oobi doobi kenoobi
130k, ign Rosetta Kur...Talked to you yesterday online...anyhow, if this is satisfactory ill be on later, just let me know via the forum or through a private message. 100plat, 7 obsidian shards, about that should cover it...LMK. Thanks.
oobi doobi kenoobi
retracting bid