...:::sickles Shop:::...
1. C/O: B/O: 50k
2. C/O: B/O: 30k
3. C/O: B/O: 10k
4. C/O: B/O: 5k
Happy bidding!
Dante of the Dead
here the deal on sickles
anything below 6-20 = not much $$
6-20+ you would get 30-50k
anything below 6-20 = not much $$
6-20+ you would get 30-50k
bump, cmon' ppl bid

i know that u need sickles
i know that u need sickles

ok now ppl i need the money i'm selling all my sickles... pm in the game (IGN: Bosnian Man) if u wanna buy and here are the prices:
6-21 10k
6-20 5k
6-17 2k
6-14 1k
6-21 10k
6-20 5k
6-17 2k
6-14 1k