1- Gold Sundering Foehammer Of Defense (req 8)
max dmg 19-35 +16% when <50
10/9 armor penetration
armor +5
B/O - 5k
2- Gold Fiery Dragon sword (12 req)
15-21 +13% while enchanted
B/O 1k
3- Purple Zealous Wingblade Sword of shelter (12 req)
15-22 dmg +14% whike <50
Armor +4 vs physical
Energy gain +1 -1 regen
B/O 2k
4- GOLD insribed Chakram
+11 energy (req 8 domination)
armor +5 while casting
improves casting speed 8%
B/O 800g
5- Gold Inscribed Chakram
+11 enegy (req 9 domination)
Health +37 while hexed
B/O 800g
6- Purple Stone summit shield (9 tact)
armor 16
health +15 in stance
b/O 2k
7- GOLD unidentified Raven staff (10 curses)
Energy +10
11-22 chaos dmg
B/O 5k
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