15% damage all the time fellblade 10/10 sunder +30 hp req 8
void void void void
Furious Soldier
200k + sup vigor

Hellz Fires
wow, no degen, that rocks
Murder In China
300k i guess.
IGN ankara nightsear
IGN ankara nightsear
lol. you dont even own that, Maser does.
Furious Soldier
Masar is power abuser

ill b/o this item, assuming that is, you own it.

i dont get it. this guy took a screenshot of masar's item and tried to post it as his?? lmfao omg what a loser.
I can't believe the 1st post was closed because "people were giving him free bumps"
imho it seems like the mod was just getting agry that people were outbidding him [bids got to 7 mill!!] - numberous threads get free bumps and they don't get closed down.
imho it seems like the mod was just getting agry that people were outbidding him [bids got to 7 mill!!] - numberous threads get free bumps and they don't get closed down.
yes, i was wondering the same thing. there are tons of threads in this forum that get pointless bumps. finally, an awesome item gets put in here and the thread gets closed. the guy who closed it down got tons of free bumps with the crystalline he posted not to long ago. why the hell would he close this one.