WTS Gold max Air Staff 10/10 and max Earth Staff 8/10
Everything is for sale...pics are attached.
Air Staff : c/o 100k arbiter
earth staff: c/o 105k mark of rodgart ~~ does not look like the 20/20 collectors earth staff... all auction on staves end in 24 hours
1. Summit axe co=100k
2. Chaos Axe bo= 150k
3. Spiky Hammer co= 160k bo=200k
4. twin hammer co=120k bo=150k
5. regular war hammer bo =100k
6. reinforced buck co =140k
I can only take ectos and shards. Any gold is converted to ectos and shards after. Prices of ectos = current market value.
Air Staff : c/o 100k arbiter
earth staff: c/o 105k mark of rodgart ~~ does not look like the 20/20 collectors earth staff... all auction on staves end in 24 hours
1. Summit axe co=100k
2. Chaos Axe bo= 150k
3. Spiky Hammer co= 160k bo=200k
4. twin hammer co=120k bo=150k
5. regular war hammer bo =100k
6. reinforced buck co =140k
I can only take ectos and shards. Any gold is converted to ectos and shards after. Prices of ectos = current market value.
60k on air
Mark of Rodgort
70k on air staff
bump...aww no one wants the earth staff :'(
75k air staff ign arbiter terris
What's the look of the Earth Staff? If it's the good kind I'm interested.
80k air
100k air staff, any ideas on a b/o?
final bump on staves..... added new weapons...
no bo for staves bc they will end tomor to highest bidder.
no bo for staves bc they will end tomor to highest bidder.
45k on earth staff.
Mark of Rodgort
105k on air staff.
EDIT: air staff!
EDIT: air staff!
Air staff sold to Mark of Rodgort. Earth Staff to Savio. Summit Axe and Chaos axe sold in game... everything else is still on sale.