WTS UNIDED Long Sword Max DMG(REQ8. Sword)

Dire Deathbringer

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Alcoholic Muppets


EDITED by Shanksie @ 09.50 GMT tuesday : reason BUMPING. Please read the forum guidelines regarding bumping which can be found here >Trade Forum Guidelines<. You can only post once in your own thread in any 24 hour period. You can always use the edit function to alter a previous post or reply in game or via pm. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages. Because your thread has been closed for a violation of guidelines you must wait 24 hours (from the time the thread was CLOSED) before you can create a new thread.
Upon making your new thread, you have a twenty four hour wait period before posting again in that thread. A bump is any type of post, from "Yes, you can buy that." to "Get lost." We don't want any post inside of a 24 hour minimum. It is NOT a daily bump, it's a bump AFTER 24 hours.

Dire Deathbringer

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Alcoholic Muppets





Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

<--- IGn



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

ZING! +1.

Scar Meadows [SMS]


GJ!! Another person who didn't read the rules!
YUOR S0 L337!
You can only bump every 24 hours...If you red the rules you would of knew that.
Your thread will be closed =/.