[WTS] 5 GREAT SHIELDS all w/ health always or -2,-2 dmg reduction!!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



EDITED by Shanksie @ 09.45 GMT tuesday : reason BUMPING. Please read the forum guidelines regarding bumping which can be found here >Trade Forum Guidelines<. You can only post once in your own thread in any 24 hour period. You can always use the edit function to alter a previous post or reply in game or via pm. These rules ensure everyone has a fair chance at having a thread on the first few pages. Because your thread has been closed for a violation of guidelines you must wait 24 hours (from the time the thread was CLOSED) before you can create a new thread.
Upon making your new thread, you have a twenty four hour wait period before posting again in that thread. A bump is any type of post, from "Yes, you can buy that." to "Get lost." We don't want any post inside of a 24 hour minimum. It is NOT a daily bump, it's a bump AFTER 24 hours.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Picture not working?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



sorry was having trouble with it so i added a new attachment



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

ZING! +1.

Scar Meadows [SMS]


Edit your first post.
You have to put I reserve the right not to sell if the price isn't right therefore making it not an auction.
Yet you still told me it was an auction?
LMAO "I want 300k for my defender"



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



???? hahaha i know you, so u did go ahead with your threat post bs on my thread your the guy who offered me 10k for my defender and got really upset when i said its worth alot more. and whats this about auction n 300k lol i just turned down your offer politely and never spoke to you about anything else after u called me a noob then put me on ignore then spammed me cough nahoob lol



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

ZING! +1.

Scar Meadows [SMS]


LOL,NT I offered 45 for your tall and 50 for your defender.
You said it was an auction and it would end in 5 days.
I never once spammed you you kept talking to me when I didn't want to talk so I said GL and k.
Upon making your new thread, you have a twenty four hour wait period before posting again in that thread.
A bump is any type of post, from "Yes, you can buy that." to "Get lost." We don't want any post inside of a 24 hour minimum.
If you post inside of that twenty four hour time span, your thread is deleted and/or locked.
There should be no reason as to why you need to post something in that thread again that you could have posted in the opening topic.
Your new post after the twenty four hour time span can be anything you wish. It is just as editable as your opening post.

Read that also.
I am Giggles Teh Bunneh,You must be thinking of somebody else.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

You guys need to stop and let this be buying/selling only, and um who really does that any more (k. thx. bye.) really sad and 50k for tall shield to start.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by Marik-Strife
LOL,NT I offered 45 for your tall and 50 for your defender.
You said it was an auction and it would end in 5 days.
I never once spammed you you kept talking to me when I didn't want to talk so I said GL and k.
Upon making your new thread, you have a twenty four hour wait period before posting again in that thread.
A bump is any type of post, from "Yes, you can buy that." to "Get lost." We don't want any post inside of a 24 hour minimum.
If you post inside of that twenty four hour time span, your thread is deleted and/or locked.
There should be no reason as to why you need to post something in that thread again that you could have posted in the opening topic.
Your new post after the twenty four hour time span can be anything you wish. It is just as editable as your opening post.

Read that also.
I am Giggles Teh Bunneh,You must be thinking of somebody else.
Bye shut up plz
dont bitching when u dont get ur item with a lowball offer

the Tall and Defender are definitely worth ALOT more than your 10k (not 50k according to the seller, having fun of making up a nice story to make urself LOOK right, nice job ),
tho mayb not 300k but i would say at least 150k

To uzumaki:
dont reply to him anymore,
he wanna get ur thread closed, that is exactly what he want !!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

ZING! +1.

Scar Meadows [SMS]


Alright Nobody needed your frigging opinion.
I asked him what's his b/o.
He says none it's an auction.
I said put me down as c/o on these two items and he said ok
And I asked if it's an auction does highest offer win and he said no I am looking for 300k+ on my defender So I said ok,I retract my bid and GL, he said n00b you're dumb blah blah blah and every time he said something more to me I said GL and k.
I never intended on buying his shields for that price,HE said It was an auction SO I figured it would get higher.
You don't know anything So don't give your opinions.
I am done,I am not responding to any more flames.
I am not getting banned because of people with the poorest elementary grammar.Forget about all of this and just bid on his shields.
PS:Nobody is trying to get his thread closed,I even warned him when he showed me his shields IG that posting that the pictures were fixed and not waiting a full 24 hours would probably get his thread closed.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



Why and how are u making that much up off the top of your head? u never said anything as such. the only words u said was "how much"? i told you im taking offers and you said " ok 10k" i said ill put that as c/o and u said "if you dont get any higher offers i get the shield" i said sorry it doesnt work like that im hoping for alot more, to which you replied "noob its no worth ALOT more" then put me on ignore. Dont kid yourself kid going as far as trying to get my thread closed because you didnt get what you want. no1 believes your claim that i wanted 300k+ because its too farfetched grow up and stay off my threads in future plz

p.s not hoping for anything near 300k although i wouldnt say no



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005




* Upon making your new thread, you have a twenty four hour wait period before posting again in that thread.
* A bump is any type of post, from "Yes, you can buy that." to "Get lost." We don't want any post inside of a 24 hour minimum.
* If you post inside of that twenty four hour time span, your thread is deleted and/or locked.
* There should be no reason as to why you need to post something in that thread again that you could have posted in the opening topic.
* Your new post after the twenty four hour time span can be anything you wish. It is just as editable as your opening post.