sword hilts axe hafts runes and weapons sale


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

heres what I have to offer:
Sword hilts and pommels:
S1- Crippling sword hilt
S2- Sword Pommel of Pruning (Damage +11% vs. Plants)
S2- Sword Pommel of Skeleton Slaying (Damage +15% vs. Skeletons)
Min 1k b/o 5k each

Axe Hafts:
H1- Ebon Hammer Haft (Earth Damage)
H2- Heavy Axe Haft (lengthens Duration of Weakness of Foe)
H3- Poisoners Axe Haft (lengthens Duration of poison on Foe)
min 1k b/o 5k each

R1-Ranger Rune of minor beast mastery X2 1k for both
R2-Mesmer Rune of minor fast casting 2k
R3-Mesmer Rune of minor Domination Magic 1k

W1: Vampiric Flatbow of Fortitude Max Dam, 5:1 Health +27 13% damage when health is over 50% min 20k b/0 35k
W2: Firey Spiked axe of Defense 6-17 fire damage armor +5 damage 18% while health is under 50% min 5k b/o 15k

Auction will be held over a 48 hour period if you want to buy out a particular item now please send tell to Reistlin Dharkul