Sephis and Serpent axe drops?
Ok, I've been reading and talking to players on this. I'm still no closer to knowing whats up with these two axes. They are my favorite styles of axe, and yet no one has a definite answer as to where they drop. Some say chests in lower Shiverpeaks or just dwarves in that area. Another said the HoH chests drop them...someone else said desert hyrdas. Either these people dont want to give away a secret or they are guessing. Either way, I'd like to know, does anyone have any bit of information on this? I'd really appreciate it.
Signet of Humility
Hmm As Far as ive seen i only saw Serpent Axe In HoH
Ok, so you saw it then? Thats good...finally someone who actually saw it lol.
So...anyone know of sephis axes?
So...anyone know of sephis axes?
saw a 14>50 sephis drop in fow
Around Bergen Hot Springs. Undead drop these. I got one from a guildee who found a golden 6-27 dmg in this area. I started to farm here, but so far only whites/blues not even close to max dmg. I went to the cursed land and black curtain as well to check whether the undead would drop sephis axes too. They did and the dmg on these axes was slightly better than the axes I found around Bergen. Still not max dmg though.....
i got em somewhere in shiverpeaks, thats the only clue i will give
i got em somewhere in shiverpeaks, thats the only clue i will give
Undead drop sephis axes.
Around 3 months ago while on my way to do the Galrath quest, i had a lovely max gold sundering sephis of defense drop from one of the phantoms that appear south of ToA.
If only i knew how rare they were, i wouldn't have sold it to the merchant.
Oh well..
If chapter two brings an appearance of the Orr army, expect them to be more ommon from then onwards.
Around 3 months ago while on my way to do the Galrath quest, i had a lovely max gold sundering sephis of defense drop from one of the phantoms that appear south of ToA.
If only i knew how rare they were, i wouldn't have sold it to the merchant.
Oh well..
If chapter two brings an appearance of the Orr army, expect them to be more ommon from then onwards.
I got a Serpent axe in post-ascalon once (but as you might have guessed)
it was really low damage and i never thought anything about it.
it was really low damage and i never thought anything about it.
Yeah I remember a quest reward was a serpent axe, but I'm pretty sure it wasnt named serpent axe, it was battle or war axe I believe.
Originally Posted by ashed
Yeah I remember a quest reward was a serpent axe, but I'm pretty sure it wasnt named serpent axe, it was battle or war axe I believe.
I was so surprised cause I had never seen a *serpent* axe but hear that they where rare. But this one was so low dmg, no one would of bought it for me so I just sold it to a merchant.
Ah ok cool...I've seen alot of sephis axes drop in the catacombs. That one warrior boss dropped 3 at once one time. Only serpent axe I've gotten was the quest reward one. Theres also a quest reward long sword with the crystalline look. It has armor while casting and something else.
I know this isn't a WTB thread but I have a max clean req 12 Serpent Axe that I would sell for a reasonable price. Look me up in game if you want to offer.
I've gotten a lot of my rare drops in the shiverpeaks...Even stormbows and etenal bows/shields alike...So if you're gonna look anywhere, try the shiverpeak chests or sorrows..
Ok thanks...I'll check that too.
I found one clean serpent axe just outside of Thunderhead in Ice Floe hidden in lost strongbox
i now have a char in pre searing and i keep on finding both serpent an sephis axes (damage is not so good, 3-5 hehe lol)
Daegul Mistweaver
Originally Posted by _necroangel_
I've gotten a lot of my rare drops in the shiverpeaks...Even stormbows and etenal bows/shields alike...So if you're gonna look anywhere, try the shiverpeak chests or sorrows..
Originally Posted by Daegul Mistweaver
UW items in Shiverpeaks eh?
Originally Posted by Daegul Mistweaver
UW items in Shiverpeaks eh?
I have yet to see a fow/ or uw drop anywhere but in thoses places myself, i can definitly tell you hydras do not drop thoses type of axes, their more of ele wands, staves, and shields, and yeah sephis axes drop all the time in the 2 zones, from bergen to toa, i have yet to see a max dmg one tho.
Makes me think of monstrous claws.
:::End Transmission:::
Makes me think of monstrous claws.
:::End Transmission:::
Originally Posted by Tactical-Dillusions
If only i knew how rare they were, i wouldn't have sold it to the merchant.
Oh well.. |
Huh yeah I have (or had :b) a gold max dmg sephis axe but the stuff on it wasn't spectacular, I had no idea the rarity, and I had better configured axes and other drops I was using. I have to agree it looked nice/better than what I currently use :b heh
Inventory limits for teh loss!
And I just sold a Gold 6-26, 13>50% Sephis for 25k.
I still have #4.
I still have #4.
got one last night drop from the FoW chest just by forgemaster.15^50 req 11
I've picked up a few Sephis axes drop while SF farming.
Like many have said the Undead drop them a lot around Bergen. The undead hordes quest is a great way to pick up a ton of them even after the nerf. I got 2 purple ones not max dmg though. Also the Sanctum Cay mission they drop frequently in there. Thats probably your best bet at finding a max dmg one other than from a chest. I recommend going solo, or with just one other friend though.
Im still huting for where sickles drop, nobody has ever seen a max dmg one and I want to be the first to sell one for 40Mil
Im still huting for where sickles drop, nobody has ever seen a max dmg one and I want to be the first to sell one for 40Mil
Serpents ive seen in kryta, sephis are all on undead and are common anyway and yes uw/fow items i have seen in shiverpeaks during the mission for that killroy guy when the chest spawns after you kill groups i saw a purple storm and chaos fall out
Ive been soloing sanctum cay and i wish the undead were stronger so i can get higher dmg sephis axes
As for serpent axes, ive never found one...ever.
As for Sickles...Try out the Maguuma, Losaru, and the Charr.
As for serpent axes, ive never found one...ever.
As for Sickles...Try out the Maguuma, Losaru, and the Charr.
Sir Skullcrasher
*revive thread*
So from Hot Spring into Temple of Age or even Galroth's quest will get you sephis axe?...
And some peoples here said that chests (rarely) will drop sephis axe from shiverspeak.
I'll try these methods to get a sephis axe!
So from Hot Spring into Temple of Age or even Galroth's quest will get you sephis axe?...
And some peoples here said that chests (rarely) will drop sephis axe from shiverspeak.
I'll try these methods to get a sephis axe!
I got a purple max dmg serpent axe from the chest in that fort up where Rastigan runs to. Stats aren't that great and there is no 15^50, but I will add mods nevertheless. Should be pretty cool.
Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
And I just sold a Gold 6-26, 13>50% Sephis for 25k. I still have #4. |
(And I'm selling this, feel free to PM offers )
Serpents just dropped for me in the Lost Strongbox in Dreadnaughts Drift.
See this on how to get to the strongbox,
See this on how to get to the strongbox,
I got my serpent axe from HoH , and a friend too.
Serpent axes can drop white from frozen chest/lost strongbox, purple from the Quest reward chests in UW and FoW, and in gold form from the HoH chest.
Sephis are dropped by most undeads. I got a few nonmax gold from undead hordes quest :/
Sephis are dropped by most undeads. I got a few nonmax gold from undead hordes quest :/
Marth Reynolds
As for sickles they also drop in Kryta South of Temple of The ages and how rare are Tribal axes actually i have been getting a lot of them lately on my war (no maxes alas)
where did you get the tribal?
Marth Reynolds
Originally Posted by Nero
where did you get the tribal?
Names of the places where i found em: Majesty's Rest, Nebo terrace and Talmark wilderniss.
Originally Posted by Avarre
Serpent axes can drop white from frozen chest/lost strongbox, purple from the Quest reward chests in UW and FoW, and in gold form from the HoH chest.
They do drop gold serpents other than HoH...and yes I am sure, however, like gold crystallines and gold dwarven axes, don't hold your breathe, they are extremely rare, as to where do they drop? already been mentioned, the lost strongbox...every weapon in Tyria drops from there and rares are truly very rare from this Good Luck
I found two purple Serpents in chests from UW (Not Phantom Chests, but the normal chests you get when you complete a quest - Ice King and Wrathful Spirits in my case)
I believe Sno got one there too
I believe Sno got one there too
Originally Posted by axe
Im still huting for where sickles drop, nobody has ever seen a max dmg one and I want to be the first to sell one for 40Mil
What kind of sickle are you refering to??