I did a search for this and came up with nothing.
I'd LOVE to be wielding a Zealous Tanzinth's Cleaver of Fortitude...
+60 hp?!
Can you Mod Green Weapons?
Yukito Kunisaki
No you cannot mod a green weapon or dye it....and if you could it would be replacing one of the other perfect mods!
Tanzit's Cleaver is essentially a 15>50 Heavy Spiked Axe of Fortitude. Aside from Rockmolder, all greens are within normal weapon stats. And aside from the +3>50 one-handers, they all have max stats for whatever their stats are. The only modifications you can do is customization.
Sentao Nugra
and the reason why they only have the +3>50 energy is because the 12(offhand)+3 matches with the 10+5 from the staves
What I meant was that max one-handers have +5>50 energy. The greens with +3>50 aren't perfect, even though greens are supposed to be. Offhands don't have +energy>50 anyhow, only up to 15/-1 energy.
Originally Posted by Savio
Tanzit's Cleaver is essentially a 15>50 Heavy Spiked Axe of Fortitude. Aside from Rockmolder, all greens are within normal weapon stats. And aside from the +3>50 one-handers, they all have max stats for whatever their stats are. The only modifications you can do is customization.
Dammit, typo. I wasn't paying attention then. Like anyone would actually use a Heavy axe.