Should I Salvage This??
Its a purple minor rune of domination magic should I salvage or keep its purple so Ill get a rare item for sure.
It's not a rune yet I believe, but by using an expert salvage kit you can obtain one. Although I don't think it's a 100% chance.
No it is a rune thats what they are it said minor rune of domination but its purple .
Rushing Wind
You've unlocked the rune for PvP play for sure. Its up to you if you want to salvage it though. If you salvage it (with expert salvage kit) there isn't 100% chance you'll get the rune or something good out of it. It may turn out to be common crafting material. Normally, from my experience, if its the first rune of its kind that you've unlocked and you salvage it you'll usually get the rune for your role playing character and use it or sell it as needed.