For melee?
Ascalon or Ringmail, which is better?
Rizzen Khalazar
I think someone mentioned earlier that the reduced damaged doesn't stack, so you are better of getting one item from ascalon and then the rest from ringmail.
The reduced damage applies when a particular piece of armor is hit.
is a good reference of what I mean.
is a good reference of what I mean.
Originally Posted by dragoaskani
The reduced damage applies when a particular piece of armor is hit.
Originally Posted by Ensign
Second, an update on how Ascalon armor works. Basically, each piece of armor acts as though it has a Rune of Minor Absorption in it, meaning that all damage you take is reduced by 2, regardless of hit location. These bonuses stack neither with each other, nor with Absorption runes. Practically, this means that the Ascalon and Knight's armors are completely useless. Multiple pieces of either have zero benefit, and once you have a rune of Absorption the bonus of either suit is redundant. Your best course of action? Grab a pair of Ascalon Boots early in the game for the easy damage reduction, then ignore the set entirely.

Interesting... I wonder what other bonuses from armor/weapons, etc. don't stack? I was always under the impression that the absorption was stackable, but I guess I am wrong...
Not sure if you are still in doubt, but farther down in the thread Ensign explains how he tested for this conclusion.
well. is it getting the boots early means the one with def35? cuz the def50 one needs fur and i dont have access to any yet.
is the def35 ascalon boots that cost 50gold more worth it to use early than the ringmail w/ 50 def?
just need a quick explanation if theres any difference and which i should go with at this early part of the game.
is the def35 ascalon boots that cost 50gold more worth it to use early than the ringmail w/ 50 def?
just need a quick explanation if theres any difference and which i should go with at this early part of the game.
Well, on the bright side I don't have to worry about fur anymore, just steel... and that is MUCH easier to come by.