15^50 STORM BOW req 9, 15^50 CHAOS AXE req 9, 15% stance FELLBLADE req 8

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

THIS AUCTION IS NOW CLOSED. Thanks to all who participated.

Reserve the right not to sell if bids are not satisfactory.
No buyouts.

This auction will end on Sunday 16 October 2005 at 12:00 noon AUSTRALIAN EASTERN STANDARD TIME (GMT+10:00).
It is bidders' responsibility to convert this to their own local time.

Looking for Ectos and Gold only.

The value of Ectos will be determined when completing the trade and will be taken as the average value of the rare material trader's buy and sell prices. For example, if the trader is buying ectos from players at 9k each and selling to players at 11k each, then the average will be 10k per ecto and that will be the value of ectos for this trade.

Ectos only
Gold + Ectos
Gold only

Please note that if you choose to pay for your winning bid in gold only, this will be done in 100k instalments. The item will only be traded with the last 100k (or part thereof). I do realise that I am fairly new to gwg and have no trader rating or reputation here at all. But I have completed several trades on rpgtraders and have never gotten negative feedback. Check out my profile there and rest assured that I am not a scammer. I will not be using middlemen for gold-only trades over 100k because they are not necessary. If you feel uncomfortable with this arrangement, you still have the two other options above.

Please leave your IGN with your bid. Thanks.
Happy bidding!

STORM BOW winning bid = 700k (heyheyhey) - please contact me ingame ASAP, thank you.
CHAOS AXE winning bid = 550k (Lady Blue Steel) - please contact me ingame ASAP, thank you.
FELLBLADE c/o = 150k (Missy Osiris) - will not be sold.


LOL the blue line you see on the right hand side of the text box is part of my inventory. what i've done is cut and pasted the text box which very partly overlaps the inventory box, and put that above the picture, so i don't have to put the whole damn screenshot in. perhaps there's an easier way of doing it? someone enlighten me please.

anyone wishing to verify the authenticity of these items before placing a bid, please feel free to pm me ingame when you see me online. IGN is Extra Bacon.

And finally, if you're bidding on more than one item, please specify individual bids.

Furious Soldier

Furious Soldier

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Unthouchable Heroes [UH]


start 100k on storm bow

Jatt King

Jatt King

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Consume Chicken [CC]

30k on axe

ign jatt king

Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Blue Empire [BLUE]


150K on bow and 150K on axe. Willing to pay more to acquire them sooner. ~ Lady Blue Steel.

the isaiah

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


300k axe


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

1 mil for axe and storm.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005






Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

eastern time

The Nocturne's Dream


do i see some photoshoping on that storm bow?!?!? whats that blue text in there?

omg the axe 2.....



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Clouds

Scars Meadows [SMS]


photoshop artifacts anyone? he has fow armor so im very inclined to believe he has these items

DV Morpheus

DV Morpheus


Join Date: Oct 2005

The Stock Market [TSM]


Originally Posted by derrtyboy69
photoshop artifacts anyone? he has fow armor so im very inclined to believe he has these items Yes because we all know people with Fissure armor never lie



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005


i see the blue and stuff on the bow and axe also...but why would he be tryn to sell somthn online thats fake?....hes gonna have to show it to you ingame be4 u trade



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005



sometimes when you post pictures, or cut them out of screen shots, they mess up like that, and if he had photoshop he could take the blue off all the way, so this all proves that those are insanely real



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



10 ecto on the fell

Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Blue Empire [BLUE]


brianoh, if you would be so kind as to apportion your bid and clarify it so that I may exceed it, I would be most appreciative. Thanks. ~ Lady Blue Steel

Sir Raleigh


Join Date: Aug 2005

Los Angeles

[SiN] The Evil That Men Do


100k +2 ecto for fell

Dreamcatcher X

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Red Moon


170k on Bow

IGN: Maximus Arius Bhaal

Would like to speak to you ingame

Missy Osiris

Missy Osiris

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


200k on Bow
150k on Fell
350k on Chaos

IGN : Kagome Kikyo

Furious Soldier

Furious Soldier

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Unthouchable Heroes [UH]


200k + 1 shard on storm bow



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

in your house

I Seek Guild HK [香港]


300k for storm
400k for chaos
300k for fellblade

I can pay by ectos too
IGN: King Azwraith

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

thanks for all the bids and comments so far! keep em comin!

bump before i head off to work. back in ... 10.5 hours to update this.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

500k for storm. 500k for chaos.

Blue Steel

Blue Steel

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Blue Empire [BLUE]


Thanks, brianoh. 600K for storm, 550K for chaos (in ectos). ~ Lady Blue Steel



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

in your house

I Seek Guild HK [香港]


700k for storm, 650k for chaos

sry i retract my 300k bid on the fellblade, i thought it was a 15%^50 fell lol
IGN: King Azwraith



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

in your house

I Seek Guild HK [香港]


i am so sry i want to retract all my bids, coz i found a much better deal on both weapons in game.

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

Originally Posted by wyvern514
i am so sry i want to retract all my bids, coz i found a much better deal on both weapons in game. you mean you found cheaper higher req ones? heheh good for you




Join Date: Oct 2005


trade my +15>50 req 9 fellblade for the +15>50 stormbow



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

near SF, CA

Side-Note: that artifacting effect seen in this thread's pics is a known ATI catalyst driver issue with certain ATI card models. I don't know if it affects Nvidia cards, but I've never seen it happen with my 6800 Ultra.

free /bump...

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

28 hours, 33 minutes left in this auction...




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by lord_shar
Side-Note: that artifacting effect seen in this thread's pics is a known ATI catalyst driver issue with certain ATI card models. I don't know if it affects Nvidia cards, but I've never seen it happen with my 6800 Ultra.

free /bump...
I have ATI card as well, and they just recently came out with a new version catalyst 5.10 on 10/12/05. He should be able to dl the new drivers and not have that problem, even though it does not specifically mention this in the release notes.



Join Date: Oct 2005


700k on the stormbow

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

3 hours and 44 minutes left in this auction.

Final bump.

extra bacon

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Sep 2005

Sydney, Australia

Spank [Me]

this auction has ended, can a moderator please close this thread. thank you.