W/E Griffon Build


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

I took this from various ideas and such from this forum. And I've been doing it for about 3 hours. Gained 17 platinum, a 4/1 vampiric bow string/ Aegis shield with -2 dmg while in stance 16 defense, many yellow weapons, silver dye, and much more!!! Heres the build.

Weapon: Best axe you can grab
Shield: Aegis shield with -dmg if you can
Major absorption rune equipped to chest

Stats: 198/200 Attribute Points used
Earth Magic- 9
Strength- 7+1(helm)
Axe Mastery- 10
Tactics- 10

W/E Griffon Build: (everything listed includes the stats from above)

1)Healing signet- You gain 115 health, you have -40 armor while using this skill (tactics)

2)Magnetic Aura- For 14 second Magnetic Aura has a 75% chance to block melee attacks (Earth Magic)

3)Armor of Earth- For 30 seconds you gain 46 armor but move 28% slower than normal (Earth Magic)

4)Gladiators Defense {E}-For 9 seconds you have a 75% chance to block incoming attacks whenever you block a melee attack in this way the attacker suffers 25 damage. (tactics)

5)Sprint- For 11 seconds you move 25% faster (strength) :::This is used for running and avoiding aggro getting to Griffons:::

6)Shout- Party members near you gain +20 armor for 9 seconds. (tactics)

7)Bonnetti's Defense- For 9 seconds you have a 75% chance to block incoming melee attacks and arrows. You gain 5 energy for each successful melee attack blocked. If you use a skill this skill ends. (tactics)

8)Cyclone Axe- Perform a spinning attack striking for +9 damage to all adjacent opponents.

Hope you W/E like this build out there, this way you don't have to go grind for skills switching to W/Mo if you started out this build. I'm having a blast doing this hope you do to! Enjoy

White Designs

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005



Isn't this insane grind? You're killing with Cyclone Axe ?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

A run which is about 13-15 griffons takes 10 minutes. Usually come back with 1 plat after selling items and sometimes get some keepers. A lot of the dmg is actually from gladiators defense as well. It's faster than you think, and very fun.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

COLD, Cold Snap

Originally Posted by White Designs
Isn't this insane grind? You're killing with Cyclone Axe ? Glad's defense does some dmg too


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

My main point to posting this is to let people know that W/E can more than hold it's own mass farming, it's very exciting coming back with gold items every other run, then filling my pocket with mad loot.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


10 min to do that much... some people will look the other way; but some W/Mo's might aswell do that if they dont want to go smite; or make a new monk.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Aren't you overkilling the stances a bit much? Especially while using Armor of Earth, they aren't going to do all that much damage to begin with.

I'd swap out Magnetic Aura for Aftershock or Crystal Wave to speed killing by ALOT.

Because you can use Bonetti's after every single Cyclone if you have atleast 8 griffons on you, Bonnetti's will recharge your energy and then you can cast Crystal Wave/Aftershock.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Pagan that might work, i'll give it a shot but as it is now I run into battle with about 8 griffons, cast armor of earth, cyclone, Shout, then once they all start using final thrust I throw on gladiators defense once it runs out I cast bonnettis and in between I keep casting cyclone. then once they start laying me out again I cast magnetic aura, and I definitely have to heal when I have these stances cast. After magnetic aura is up, gladiators defense is ready again. It's a very close build, and don't know how much of the defense it can take out atm. But worth a try.

Someone else give this build a shot and let me know what you think compared to a W/Mo build you might have tried.


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005



Takes to long My warrior can kill 13-25 of them in under 2 mins. So with w/e thats 8 more mins time wasted in farming.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Your warrior monk?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Yeah, I use a W/R for farming. A bit more efficient than W/Mo due to only using 3 attributes.

My build is:

Axe: 12+1+3
Tactics: 9+3
Wilderness: 9

Apply Poison
Cyclone Axe
Flame Trap
Gladiator's Defense
Bonetti's Defense
Antidote Signet/Shield Stance
Heal Signet/Dolyk Signet
Troll's Unguent/Shield Stance

Depending upon what I'm fighting I use the other skills and most argue that my trap is just a bad skill choice because of the energy, but the Flame Trap is 5 seconds of burning and 72 fire damage.

Throw Bonnetti's up, then as soon as your energy is recharged start to lay Flame Trap. The energy you just spent on it is recharged in just a couple hits and you are back up to max with a good chunk of degen and damage just dealt.

Now if I was farming skeletons I'd go W/Mo because the poison doesn't effect them and the holy damage is ridiculous on them.