WTS Crimson Carapace Shield(45/-2 enchant)
Crimson Carapace Shield
Armor+12 (req 8 tac)
Health+45 enchant
Received damage-2 enchant
Its a collector item,great for farmers except you got Manlinon's Shield already.
I am selling them cuz I accidentally bought some supplies and I no longer being need them
I am asking 2k for each of them, total 4, first come first serve.
Leave your IGN in reply, I will pm you.
just for courtesy, its a collector item, you are able to get it for lower cost if you pay a little time to collect the supplies and a 5 min run if you know exact where to run.
Its closed atm since I got 4 replies already. 11:15pm Oct/11
Kevin, its not an auction so the three ppl before you would get a shield for each of them. You would get extra if any of them are failed to make the transcation with me.
Armor+12 (req 8 tac)
Health+45 enchant
Received damage-2 enchant
Its a collector item,great for farmers except you got Manlinon's Shield already.
I am selling them cuz I accidentally bought some supplies and I no longer being need them
I am asking 2k for each of them, total 4, first come first serve.
Leave your IGN in reply, I will pm you.
just for courtesy, its a collector item, you are able to get it for lower cost if you pay a little time to collect the supplies and a 5 min run if you know exact where to run.
Its closed atm since I got 4 replies already. 11:15pm Oct/11
Kevin, its not an auction so the three ppl before you would get a shield for each of them. You would get extra if any of them are failed to make the transcation with me.
Dino Sonic
IGN Dino Sonic
ill take one
ign Imperfection Real
ign Imperfection Real
Mark me down for 1 IGN Prince Taxt or Feather of Lead
nvm i have one alrdy my bad....
ill take all 4 for 3K each
IGN: The Kevinaminater
IGN: The Kevinaminater
4k for 1 of them
retract my bid (omg i should stop finding better stuff) :/
ill def take one ign samuel minako
so am i counted as the 4th person? 

hyori finkl
It's crazy how much this non-max defensive collector shield could goes for. I even remember where this shield is located.
Originally Posted by hyori finkl
It's crazy how much this non-max defensive collector shield could goes for. I even remember where this shield is located.
uhhhhh... correct me if im wrong. but this shield is perfect, except for the slightly high req.
armor is only 12 not 16
Diablo Paladin
Stop spamming in others posts, make your own topic
ohhhhhh lol i mistakened this for the +45,-2 STANCE one :P