[D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E] 48hr Auction
These Auction items wont be sold ingame; cause I'm too lazy and I use forums.
Prices are listed next to there item; please dont bid below the "min" price listed.
Fortmat will go as follows
<in game name> <item> <bid/declaring buy out>
Devilish Rouge Fiery Dragon Sword of Enchanting 16,000g
And heres the list...
The auction will close at the 48th hour; when is that?
8:59 PM Oct 13 Forum Time Stamps
As for the best offer items, I dont think they'll acually sell but I wanted to share my collection with you ;D
UPDATED Picture; so no one gets confused of whats not avilable.
tried out that Angreyblue font on there...
Prices are listed next to there item; please dont bid below the "min" price listed.
Fortmat will go as follows
<in game name> <item> <bid/declaring buy out>
Devilish Rouge Fiery Dragon Sword of Enchanting 16,000g
And heres the list...
The auction will close at the 48th hour; when is that?
8:59 PM Oct 13 Forum Time Stamps
As for the best offer items, I dont think they'll acually sell but I wanted to share my collection with you ;D
UPDATED Picture; so no one gets confused of whats not avilable.
tried out that Angreyblue font on there...
just to let you know you could prob get more for that sephis. I have seen some 3 from max damage with a nice dmg mod get 20k
Keiyoushi Idaten
Ill buy the fellblade for the buyout ty. I'm on now so whenver u get on check for me.
Meta Physical
Hmmm... maybe you're right - let's test that theory:
5k on Sephis
And on a side note...
2k on Unid'd Fellblade
5k on Sephis

And on a side note...
2k on Unid'd Fellblade
Keiyoushi Idaten
i bid the 7k buyout on the fellblade already.
Meta Physical
Ah, didn't see it - you must have posted it while I was writing a response. Well, enjoy 

I'll buyout the Fellblade for 7K PM in game Simon The Master
Oups sorry about the post and I cant edit my previous

I'll buy out the near-max gold sephis at the posted 12k price.
told ya it would go fast. Honestly I paid 200k for a 15% 6-27 with a furious/health mod... I kinda overpaid but I wanted it pretty bad.
b/o on Thornbeards Horned Bow IGN Miko Kaigen
1k to buyout both runes
Xeno Breaker
Buy out on the air staff of smiting prayers
IGN : Xeno Breaker.
IGN : Xeno Breaker.
20k reinforced buckler
ign nortrom arillius
b a b u
ign nortrom arillius
b a b u
Thanks again for the quick sale. I tried to leave positive feedback, but the feedback system is still broken. I'll try again once it's fixed.
Axe Grip of Enchanting B/O
IGN Eoryth Elvenhand
IGN Eoryth Elvenhand
I'll b/o your fiery dragon sword 9k
IGN Jaxxxon UK
IGN Jaxxxon UK
30K on Buckler
IGN: Exploding Fist
IGN: Exploding Fist
35K on buckler. great running shield
888 ate 888
darn you i would have payed more for the fell (only 7k?)
Just wanted to say thanks and let everyone know that after posting my offer to buy out I was contacted in game and the transaction was very pleasant and polite. I would definitely buy from again! Free bump for you too

Ruoenkruez Tudor
i wanna buyout your jeweled chakram
i'll give ya 10k for the defender if you dont get any bid on it.
24hr bump and I have your "character" names in my friends list.
I took a break for some one on one dueling and got some new posts...
I took a break for some one on one dueling and got some new posts...
B/o's on Both the Unid Ornate & Unid Round
<--- IGN's
Thanks Again for the Extremely Quick Sale - Definately positive feedback as soon as it's functioning again.
<--- IGN's
Thanks Again for the Extremely Quick Sale - Definately positive feedback as soon as it's functioning again.
40K on Buckler.
wtf!?!? u sold that awesome fellblade for 7k?!
888 ate 888
ill give you 15k for the fell blade if the other guy doesnt want it

I belive this is now closed.
my computer clock went back 2 hours.. AGAIN!
My b/os where delivered immeditaely, and I felt that a sword is a sword; fellblade is no expection, its all I wanted from it anyhow.
Now adding C/O account names to be delivered.
those who havnt listed a IGN i will contact via PM.
my computer clock went back 2 hours.. AGAIN!
My b/os where delivered immeditaely, and I felt that a sword is a sword; fellblade is no expection, its all I wanted from it anyhow.
Now adding C/O account names to be delivered.
those who havnt listed a IGN i will contact via PM.