WTS some Green, Gold, Purple, blue and white(clean) ITems

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


GREEN Flint's Wand (water wand) +3 energy(when health is Above 50%) Improves Skill recharge using water magic skills 20%, and of course Max damage. Req 9 Water. Post offer

Gold Wooden Buckler -2 Dam (while enchanted) armor +8(vs Skeletons) Max Defense. Req 9 tactics. Post Offer

Purple Max Damage Holy Rod. Energy +2 (when health is Above 50%) Improves Casting Speed 7% req 12.

Purple Defensive Air Staff req 8. Energy +10 and Max damage. Armor +4.

Clean Max Damage Longbow reg 12

Purple Max Damage Accursed Staff max damage, Energy +10, Quick recoverly from Posien

Divine Symbol +11 energy but Req ONLY 6 divine

Post Offers for all of those but make then reasonable or else I will just ingnore them. If more then 1 person bid on an item (and their both serious) I will take the highest bid.