This is a repost due to the fact that im a dumb @$$ and posted 2 times on my other one lol so here we go again.
Dragon sword
15-22 7req
15% above 50
this sword has never been defiled be a crappy mod. its the best of the best. people say that 15>50 8 req is perfect? its cuz they dont have a 7 req lol. u wont see one of these anytime soon. they are the cream of the crop. so... i have the right to blah blah not sell and blah. will end this in a few days to the highest bidder probably. START BID 100k!!
ok well gl to everyone.
CO/ 250k
storm quickbow
Dragon Sword/ max/ 7 req/ 15>50/ clean
100k + a fully modded req. 8 fiery dragon sword + 15>50 + 30hp
HERE IS THE 24hr bump
not sure what u value u ayds's bid at but ill got 200k on it
storm quickbow
150k + a fully modded 10/10 sundering +30hp 8 req longsword or 250k
Probably The Last Bump
storm quickbow
how long is left your auction?
ok this auction is closed i will be contacting the winner
storm quickbow
ty a pleasure doing buisness with you