My Precious Sickle :)
Hellz Fires
Wow, first max dmg sickle i've ever seen, free bump and very nice looking axe
Don't post on your own thread on this site or mods will close the thread down, within 24 hours that is
Don't post on your own thread on this site or mods will close the thread down, within 24 hours that is
You know I still am kicking myself for merchanting the max one I found like a week before I found out they were popular lol. Free bump

O_O *Jaw Drops* *picks Jaw up* So, is this worth more than a perfect fellblade?
How you sell something for 200 Ecto's? I mean, there's only room for 5 in the trade window.
Originally Posted by Rancour
How you sell something for 200 Ecto's? I mean, there's only room for 5 in the trade window.
lol so funny, first of all their stackable.
and if they werent, you could still fit 7........ (7 slots per window)
free bump - that is pretty seksi. Where do u find all these sickles ^^;;
lol so funny, first of all their stackable.
and if they werent, you could still fit 7........ (7 slots per window)
free bump - that is pretty seksi. Where do u find all these sickles ^^;;
Originally Posted by Rancour
How you sell something for 200 Ecto's? I mean, there's only room for 5 in the trade window.
LOL (sorry but i couldn't help it)
Consider your thread stated, you shouldn't have posted more than once within your own thread within 24 hours...
Before it gets closed I'm going to put 250K on that.
Before it gets closed I'm going to put 250K on that.

You can edit your main post. Just click Edit and voila! I'd bid but I know I'd be outbid so fast. Very nice...
Xan Tritus
wow, i thought nef said max dmg sickles dont exist.. ..
very nice find! and to answer that muppet who said how can you fit 200 ectos in a trade window. . . you can have 250 ectos in a stack so you can have up to 7 (spacces in trade window) x250 (ectos per stack) = 1750 ectos. . . per trade window
LOL! and btw mate, i like how you called the img "My precious" nice one lol. brings me back to lord of the ring days

very nice find! and to answer that muppet who said how can you fit 200 ectos in a trade window. . . you can have 250 ectos in a stack so you can have up to 7 (spacces in trade window) x250 (ectos per stack) = 1750 ectos. . . per trade window

LOL! and btw mate, i like how you called the img "My precious" nice one lol. brings me back to lord of the ring days

Alpha Moth
hmmm..the picuture will not load for me.
ImageShack suck 
its a 6-28 Sickle
modded with a 20% Enchting Grip

its a 6-28 Sickle
modded with a 20% Enchting Grip
Just curious what's that focus item you are carrying?
Defendpeace Necros
can u show me that in game pls. thanks
Excuse my while I pick my jaw up and wipe drool of the floor...
Crap there's so much drool. Can't seem to clean it up properly.
A max sickle...the holy does exist!
Crap there's so much drool. Can't seem to clean it up properly.
A max sickle...the holy does exist!
This thread is definately going to be closed,Ya'll are straying off the subject.
You're here to bid on his/her max sickle..not talk about how many ecto can fit in the trade screen =/
Anyway 300k on it.
You're here to bid on his/her max sickle..not talk about how many ecto can fit in the trade screen =/
Anyway 300k on it.
They excist! Dang thats awesome. That sickle you got there must be one of the most valuable weapons ingame 
Is there a good place to look for high dmg sickles? I've found a few at those maguuma horse things..but my best is 6-18

Is there a good place to look for high dmg sickles? I've found a few at those maguuma horse things..but my best is 6-18