Enchantment Removal Question
When someone removes an enchantment is it from left to right or right to left in the enchantment bar.To make it simpler if i had 2 enchantments on,and someone stripped one...would it be the right or left enchantment removed.I know left enchantment is last enchantment cast.
Not sure how u have your HUD setup, but i know its the first encht you cast that gets removed.
Auntie I
It's the last enchantment you cast (or have cast on you) that gets removed first. For example: You're an Elementalist and cast Fire Attunement and then your friendly neighbourhood Monk casts Aegis. When that pesky Mesmer casts Shatter Enchantment, it's Aegis that gets removed.
Caelus The Fallen
In this way, you acn set up a "cover" enchantment - say you want to have Zealot's Fire on you, but you know that an enemiy has Shatter, cast Zealot's, then Healing Breeze, say, and Breeze will get shattered, leaving you free to run up and smite them
It works the same way with Hexes and Hex removal too - first in, last off or whatever. You can set up cover Hexes too.
Unless you have learned what "rend enchantments" does, say goodbye to them all at once.
Caelus The Fallen
Yeah, got to watch out for that (or my W/N will get you :P)
Well thx ,I was also thinking about a "cover" enchantment concept.Till i looked at the bottom of my screen and found out you cant cancel enchantments like you used to.Still looking for the perfect enchantment spell that can help me accomplish covering a strip.