Various Green Items at Fixed Prices


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

European Union



NO AUCTION, Instant buy Only, First Come First Served.

Galigord's Stone Scroll 19.999G
The Bludgeoner 8.999G [SOLD]
Thornbeard's Bow 5.999 G [SOLD]
Flint's Wand 2.999 [Sold to farmer joe]
Flint's Artifact 3.999
Morgriff's Scepter 6.999

Please compare the prices with the list:
You will see I'm offering more than fair prices.
My Ingame Name: "Hitomi Starfire"
I will not advertise these items in-game in the next 24 hours.

Know Your Greens:

I'm more than happy to arrange the online transaction asap.
I will however check this page no more than once every 8 hours.
I live in Europe, which should give us no trouble finding a proper daytime for the transactions.

farmer joe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


radicals against tyrants(RAT)


3k on flints wand

ign johnny rot