44 Item Storage/Char cleanout! Sickle, swords, bows, one-handers, upgrades!
s1 : 7k
s3 : 22k
s3 : 22k
S4 7.5k
IGN Rinkster of Might
IGN Rinkster of Might
2k on c1. IGN: Joakim Deathblade
Lord Sasuke
3k c1
Lord Cyruz
30k on S3, Zealous Long Sword of Fortitude
IGN: Lord Cyruz
IGN: Lord Cyruz
3k on B4
Daegul Mistweaver
3k on L3
Both 2K
IGN Phaedra Lux
Both 2K
IGN Phaedra Lux
1k on L4, L5 and L6
IGN = The Rock
IGN = The Rock
S4 for 9k
IGN: Sven Aite
8k on B2
3k on B3
10k on S4
8k on B2
3k on B3
10k on S4
Bump - I'll be out tonight, but I'll probably be online all tomorrow, so the first round of items will be sold off tomorrow. Considering the bids some of these items have gotten, I'm going to push back the final end date a couple of days because I don't want this to turn into where someone bids only 1k higher at the last minute.
elhaym vanhouten
3k on C3
ign Elhaym VanHouten
sorry, must have missed the 1k increment on bids rule, my bad.
ign Elhaym VanHouten
sorry, must have missed the 1k increment on bids rule, my bad.
Daegul Mistweaver
Originally Posted by Savio
I'm going to push back the final end date a couple of days because I don't want this to turn into where someone bids only 1k higher at the last minute.
Damn yoooouuuu E-bay snipers!!!
Ruoenkruez Tudor
30k for A1
Larry the Hippo
35k on a1
Raging Ranger Bob
3.5k on B3
IGN Raging ranger bob
IGN Raging ranger bob
Lord Cyruz
45k on S3, Zealous Long Sword of Fortitude
IGN: Lord Cyruz
IGN: Lord Cyruz
Raging Ranger Bob
4k on b3
IGN Raging Ranger Bob
IGN Raging Ranger Bob
4.5k on B3
10k on s7
ign violet basher
ign violet basher
Lord Sasuke
5k c1
withdraw bid on t3
11k a3....
24 hours and a minute bump. Some things are sold and pending sales, take note.
Lord Cyruz
55k on S3, Zealous Long Sword of Fortitude
IGN: Lord Cyruz
IGN: Lord Cyruz
Lord Sasuke
7k c1
roll in dough
15k on B2
IGN: Dark Wyvernknight
IGN: Dark Wyvernknight
s1 : 9k
IGN: Sven Aite
16k on B2
16k on B2
elhaym vanhouten
i have you on my friend's list and will be checking to see if i can catch you on. see you ingame.
Bump it up some. Auction seems to be dying down, but I'd still like to sell the other stuff for cheap.
Ranger Lord
how come sickles cost sooo much i doesn't seem very good???
Lord Cyruz
65k on S3, Zealous Long Sword of Fortitude
IGN: Lord Cyruz
IGN: Lord Cyruz
Larry the Hippo
Originally Posted by Ranger Lord
how come sickles cost sooo much i doesn't seem very good???
maybe you never noticed, but sickles are THE rarest weapon in the game(that still drops).
12k on S4
Sergio Leone
I'll buy all the items that weren't bid on for 1k a piece. IGN Sergio Leone, Robert De Nero, and The Air Mistress
10k on c1
ign violet basher
ign violet basher
Last bump before close...I might start selling before the close date.
And Sergio, I normally don't like selling everything like that, I'll consider it.
And Sergio, I normally don't like selling everything like that, I'll consider it.
i did put 12k on s4.....oh well