Improving the look of 15k armors
Mr Wolfmaster
I think 15k armor should be spiced up more. Some of the 15k armor doesn't look any better than its 1.5k droks version. (And by that I mean if the 2 traded places the droks version would be "cool" cause it's not as common) e.g. the monk's judges set is AWFUL. I mean it's only a LITTLE diffrent from it's original. The monk tatoos are alright but they are just a diffrent pattern that again if swicthed with the dragon tattoos, the dragon tatoos would be considered cooler.
Here's an example of what 15k SHOULD look like. Lets say you have a pyromancer armor. Insted of the boring armor there is now, have it so you're on fire kinda. But the flame would be OBVOIUSLY diffrent than having the burning condition. (Maybe like a blue flame) Same with air. It should have lightning streaming through your armor. Another example I thought of is the knights armor. Although it's not too bad as is, it should have your guild simbol on the front and if your guildless just have it be plain. This idea is because if you're a KNIGHT than you have your countries banner on your chest armor do you not? If you're spending 15k on armor at least have it look so cool that everyone wants some.
Here's an example of what 15k SHOULD look like. Lets say you have a pyromancer armor. Insted of the boring armor there is now, have it so you're on fire kinda. But the flame would be OBVOIUSLY diffrent than having the burning condition. (Maybe like a blue flame) Same with air. It should have lightning streaming through your armor. Another example I thought of is the knights armor. Although it's not too bad as is, it should have your guild simbol on the front and if your guildless just have it be plain. This idea is because if you're a KNIGHT than you have your countries banner on your chest armor do you not? If you're spending 15k on armor at least have it look so cool that everyone wants some.
I totally agree. When I was going through PvE with my first char, which just happened to be a warrior, I got a run to the Granite Citadel. I had heard rumors of an armor type that looked INCREDIBLE, called Dragon Armor. I was pretty rich for how long I had been playing, and bought the whole set. I expected it to be like a dragon head for the helm, but i got a cage with two cactus thorns sticking out. I was expecting the chest piece to have something that looked like scales, but I got a square with stuff that looks like river pebbles. The gauntlets I thought would have some spikes sticking out curving upwards, but they just look... well, boring. Same with the leggings and boots. I actually thought that the whole set would be on fire, since I usually think of dragons being able to breathe fire. It would fit... maybe. So now I think it looks just plain crappy. Fissure Armor, here I come

well myself i have the 15k female plate and 15k female hydromancer.....was gonna buy some 15k armor for my necro....but male 15k necro looks would think that necro armor would be similar say to somethign in d2 with bone all over it...but like the rest of the armors its just boring....i do like the look of the 15k plate though....the darker armor looks nice...but yah i had dragons on the same war as i have plate on now.....the dragon looks worse then wivern....just my opinion.
Signet of Humility
if Pyro made u look on fire
itll lag everybody in gw
Seeing Most people want 15k sets
and most eles pyro well....
seeing 5 of those would lag u thats pretty much why
itll lag everybody in gw
Seeing Most people want 15k sets
and most eles pyro well....
seeing 5 of those would lag u thats pretty much why
I just want some Ele armor that doesn't look like surplus stock from a 70s David Bowie concert.
Originally Posted by MadLep
I just want some Ele armor that doesn't look like surplus stock from a 70s David Bowie concert.
beleg curudin
Well since the point of 15k armor is to spice up what you look like, Then I total agree. It doesn't have to be elementalists ablaze, or a warrior that looks like he has been swallowed by a dragon. But definity give it more for you guild wars buck. I only see some armor as the same old thing but you get to dye a different part. Its pithetic. But then you could argue that this game is not about fashion, thats a back burner arguement. It would still be nice though.
Get fissure armor then. XD
About the look of the armor before you buy it, here is a preview next to the cost.
About the look of the armor before you buy it, here is a preview next to the cost.
I would like the flames and effects to be added on weapons ala Diablo II.
I firey fellblade would glow abit orange and an icy one would glow blue
That would be cool
I firey fellblade would glow abit orange and an icy one would glow blue
That would be cool
15k Pink Gladiator armor, FOR THE WIN!
Seriously though, all 15k is, is a gold sink.
Seriously though, all 15k is, is a gold sink.
I personally like the suggestion of being seem to be in flame when wearing the 15k armor but i think maybe they should add a new armor type which have this flame aura but costing like 300-500k per set.
If these type of armor is only 15k armor , it'll be too common and don't seem special anymore.
If these type of armor is only 15k armor , it'll be too common and don't seem special anymore.
Fred Kiwi
i think they should have a try-before-you-buy for clothing, so you can see how shit it is before you buy it :P
Mr Wolfmaster
Originally Posted by Signet of Humility
if Pyro made u look on fire
itll lag everybody in gw Seeing Most people want 15k sets and most eles pyro well.... seeing 5 of those would lag u thats pretty much why |

I personally like the suggestion of being seem to be in flame when wearing the 15k armor but i think maybe they should add a new armor type which have this flame aura but costing like 300-500k per set. If these type of armor is only 15k armor , it'll be too common and don't seem special anymore. |
i like that idea, but i also think they should make armor that really DOES something *useful* e.g. mirror armor reflects 50% damage of all spells to the caster but makes you take more damage from physical, or iron ore armor blocks damage but u move slower, or like cloth armor allows you to move/attack faster. there are endless possiblilities
and fyi i think the female aeromancer armor looks a lot better than the drok and it's see through which makes for a happy me
and fyi i think the female aeromancer armor looks a lot better than the drok and it's see through which makes for a happy me

Originally Posted by Mr Wolfmaster
O.O You're not supposed to be that rich...Gah rich people ways suggest making everything cost more. Hey I don't buy money off ebay, 15k armor is hard enough to get for me already.
Sister Rosette
Yeah, some of us just farm the living crap out of stuff.

I agree that FOW should look cooler then 15k Citadel / Grotto armor. I'm slows getting parts for the 15k Citadel / Grotto armor a piece at a time myself.
They seemed to be overhauling the 15k armors graphics until they diverted there attention to the SF update / Chapter 2. I think that there will be more armor updates as part of chapter 2 or after when there back to general enhancements to the game.
I also agree about flaming armor but the additional system requirements to have this will bog people down.
They seemed to be overhauling the 15k armors graphics until they diverted there attention to the SF update / Chapter 2. I think that there will be more armor updates as part of chapter 2 or after when there back to general enhancements to the game.
I also agree about flaming armor but the additional system requirements to have this will bog people down.
Originally Posted by =SiNiStErPeA=
well myself i have the 15k female plate and 15k female hydromancer.....was gonna buy some 15k armor for my necro....but male 15k necro looks would think that necro armor would be similar say to somethign in d2 with bone all over it...but like the rest of the armors its just boring....i do like the look of the 15k plate though....the darker armor looks nice...but yah i had dragons on the same war as i have plate on now.....the dragon looks worse then wivern....just my opinion.
prime stinger
yes, some 15k should be impoved. i have 15k aero (female, dyed red) and 15k gladiators (male, dyed silver) and they both look alot better then to 1.5k counter parts. but the male 15k platemail in comparison to the 1.5k sucks. as doest the female hydromancer. and the rangers druids armour, simply GAY. why would a ranger wear a coat, surly that'd restrict him :S ?
Penguins Will Fly
Why would a warrior show his bare chest for the whole world to see (and stab)? Why exactly does gladiator armor have more physical defense than, say, platemail when over half his body is exposed?
Fact: You do not need to own a set of 15K armour to enjoy this game
Sean The Sniper
I personally like most of the 15k armors, such as the ranger sets or necro sets. I dont like the Warrior's 15k dragon armor or the 15k ascalon armor though. I think the 15k armor makes people look better for the most part and used to gain respect from other players. It is fairly afforable unlike FoW armor which is just ridiculous.
I decided to make a warrior the first time I saw another player in 15k gladiator armor... been happy with her ever since!

A bit off-topic, but is it possible to dye a crystal sword?
Originally Posted by lord_shar
I decided to make a warrior the first time I saw another player in 15k gladiator armor... been happy with her ever since!

to start it off,this isnt d2 or wow or any of those games,so stop crying about why our armor doesnt glow with envy...second,half of the people that cry about 15k armor is useless,last time i looked it wasnt needed to buy 15k armor to enjoy the game,third,as u can see,the counter-part of the platemail,gladiator,and ascalon are different,and appearantly ur all crying(atleast some of you,no disrespect to others,)that theirs no difference...fourth,if your going to hate on anet for not having more armor,then go play d2,as most of you are saying their armor glows,cause this is guild wars,not d2 or wow or eq2,or any of those other games,so plz dont whine about crap in gw,if ur going to want to change it,anet would of probably did,if they wanted to,or if they thought it was smart,so think
15k ranger is fine, except fur, it looks no different as far as i can tell
Arcanis the Omnipotent
The only difference between Furlined and Frostbound is the areas that can be dyed.
I dislike 15K Druid. That tool belt sash just looks out of place.
I dislike 15K Druid. That tool belt sash just looks out of place.
I have 15k Male Saintly, 15k Female Enchanters and 15k Male Drakescale and like them all very much.
As said though, they are not necessary to the game, but I think the majority of the 15k armours look cool. I am not keen on the tattoos, however.
As said though, they are not necessary to the game, but I think the majority of the 15k armours look cool. I am not keen on the tattoos, however.
You can dye the pommel of a Crystalline but it doesn't do *that* much 
Dyed silver here..

Dyed silver here..
well hanvt seen 15k aeromcancers but i still like the 1.5k stuff even thought it does nohting speciel the sorta lines on it make it look lightningy Ive only bought one set of 15k stuff and tht is druids for my femalr ranger but the arms lokk prety horrible on tht
I got 15k Necrotic, which I dyed silver then green, and it looks pretty cool to me.
So if you don't like any of the 15k armors, then you don't have to buy them. That easy, and Anera Net is trying not to copy other games. It's all about enjoying the game, and having fun.
So if you don't like any of the 15k armors, then you don't have to buy them. That easy, and Anera Net is trying not to copy other games. It's all about enjoying the game, and having fun.
this is what the 15k pyro armor should look like. or close to this.
Naz Warhammer
What armor is that?it looks cool
that is elementalist aziure outside ascalon city in post-searing. she is an ele trainer and i believe that she is an ele trainer in pre-searing.
if this was available as 15k or close to this look, i would buy it in a heartbeat.
if this was available as 15k or close to this look, i would buy it in a heartbeat.
considering the cost of fissure armor it shoudl have a better armor class and also allow some protection from say....the undead. I got the monks armor but still is not worth the millions is would cost if u buy materials, I was just tired of lookin like everyone else :\
sadly now that I have fissure I am hated more by people, oh well, I'd still heal em anyway if I was on their team.
sadly now that I have fissure I am hated more by people, oh well, I'd still heal em anyway if I was on their team.
Originally Posted by Akilles
considering the cost of fissure armor it shoudl have a better armor class and also allow some protection from say....the undead. I got the monks armor but still is not worth the millions is would cost if u buy materials, I was just tired of lookin like everyone else :\
sadly now that I have fissure I am hated more by people, oh well, I'd still heal em anyway if I was on their team. |
Retribution X
Yeah, the fire would be cool.
What'd be cool for all 15k armoris,
Special effects. electricity, fire, holy glow, shadow glow. and the Special effects CAN BE DYED
What'd be cool for all 15k armoris,
Special effects. electricity, fire, holy glow, shadow glow. and the Special effects CAN BE DYED
I think a few of you are just too damn picky. Are some of the armors pretty lame? Yes, a few 15k armors aren't really worth it. If it's just a reskin of the 1.5k droknar's armor, I can understand your frustrations if it's minimal changes. However, keep in mind that everyone and their mother is capable of buying at least one 15k armor set if they work at it a bit. If they had everyone flaming with lightning bolts emerging from the cracks in the armor it'd be insanely...stupid. In fact, it'd be stupid as hell. I'm pleased with most all the 15k armors. It's not a HUGE gold sink, nowhere near compared to the FoW armor, but it's enough to make you look a bit cooler. I think Anet's doing a fine job with most of the 15k armors. The pyromancer's and platemail sets and what not are pretty similar, but still identifiable.
Flaming armor that makes you look like a God would be stupid as hell.
Flaming armor that makes you look like a God would be stupid as hell.
Originally Posted by PieXags
However, keep in mind that everyone and their mother is capable of buying at least one 15k armor set if they work at it a bit.

Sorry about that Pie... couldn't resist.

I'm too poor for 15k. But when I get it, I want to look cool...
They should reskin just when I have enough money