1-Chaos Axe, max damage (req 11), +15% while in stance, sundering 10/10, +5 defense; starting price: 50k, minimum bid increase: 10k. Over 100k i will accept ectos only.
2-Twin Hammer, max damage (req 13), +15% vs hexed foes, earth damage; starting price: 5k, minimum bid increase: 1k. I don't think this item will go over 100k

This auction ends when no bids in 24 hours, or when i get an offer that I feel acceptable. So, if you really want this axe, make a big offer and i will accept.
I reserve the right not to sell anything, for any reason.
I will define buyout prices later, let me see some offers.
I'm sorry as usual for the uncommon screenshots language and for my bad english.