Selling Gold and Purple Items


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


Shocking FellBlade of Swordsmanship, Lightning DMG: 15-22 (req 12), Damage +11% (in stance), Swordsmanship + 1(15% while using skills)

Furious War Axe of Enchanting, Slash Dmg 6-28 (req 8), 2x Adrenaline on hit (chance 6%), Enchantments last 13% longer

Vampiric Great Axe of Enchanting, Slash Dmg 6-28 (req 8), Damage 11% (while enchanted), 1/1, Enchantments last 12% longer

Zealous Runic Hammer Of Enchanting, Blunt DMG, 18-34 (req 9), 1/1, Enchantments last 14% longer


Icy War Hammer of enchanting, Cold Dmg 19-35 (req 11), Dmg 14% (while health above 50%), Enchantments last 17% longer

Vampiric Twin Hammer of Shelter, Blunt Dmg 19-35 (req 11), Dmg 19% (while hexed), 4/1, Armor +6 Vs Physical atks

War Hammer of Hammer Fortitude, Blunt 19-35 dmg (req 12), Damage 13% (while enchanted), Lengthens Weakness duration on foe, Health +24

War Hammer of Hammer Mastery, blunt dmg 19-35 (req 9), Dmg +16% (health below 50%), Hammer Mastery +1 (15%chance using skills)

post offers here, or whisper me ingame

IGN: Violent Prince, Legendary Evil God