A few things I'd like to see changed/implemented in GW
I've been playing GW since June so came into it quite late compared to some but have gone through GW with a Warrior and a Ranger, and am near to the end with an Ele, and have a monk just through pre-searing, but there's a few things I'd like to see implemented/changed to improve the PvE experience, because although a lot see GW as primarily PVP, tbh that side bores me to tears (if I wanted to do that I'd play Quake or one of the other endless FPS games) and it's the RPG aspect of questing in parties with co-operative play but no monthly server fees that drew me to GW in the first place (actually it's the one and only on-line game I've played).
1. Lets have a crafter we can un-customise weapons at - even if it's only so they can be used by another character on the same account. I'm bored with my Warrior now, yet can't transfer the weapons on him to another of my characters to use and delete him, which is a pain.
2. Favor - Seeing as this affects 2 PvE areas, it strikes me as completly daft that it's determined by PvP players. Ie. I'm not interested in PvP, yet my access to these areas is determined by relying on other players on my continent getting their arse in gear to win it, which being in Europe dosen't happen often. Personnally I think Favor should affect access to the PvP parts of the game like Team Arena instead, with access to the UW/Fow being determined by missions, maybe with getting to the Ring of Fire being the requirement as you can't be run there or alternatively/in-addition make having at least 50% of the Elite Skills for your primary profession a requirement.
3. Fissure Armour - make it a more attainanable to newer players to the game. As it stands pretty much only those in from the beginning have had the opportunity to raise the gold/materials needed, and now with the in-game economy as it is, unless you're incredibly lucky and find a perfect and desirable gold weapon to sell you have no chance - especially as a lot of the golds are complete rubbish and only fit for salvage. I'm not saying make it easy just easier - eg. cap ecto at 5k and Shards at 2k so fissure is still expensive and needs working for, but not stupidly so, or decrease the number needed of each for a full set of armour to 50. In any event the frequency of ecto dropping needs to be drastically increased - in over 40 hours of UW play I've been allocated 5, at that rate I'll need 840 hours in the UW only, for enough to get a set - a bit at odds with ANETS the game dosen't penalise casual gamers statement (or similar). Maybe an alternative would be to make quest rewards in the UW/FoW Ecto and Shards rather than them being random drops - say 2 ecto or 2 shards to every party member who completes the quest, with the best weapons also being quest rewards and suitable for your character rather than hoping for drops - this gives everyone a fairer chance to get them, and as a bonus wil help ANET nerf the solo farmers as they won't get these things by farming, only by quests.
4. Disconnects - probably the biggest bane of PvE (and I suspect PvP too) players, as they can and do really screw up missions or UW/FoW trips (spent 8 houres in the UW one night and had cleared all but the bone pits when I got kicked - the other's carried on and completed all but 2 UW quests before another got disconnected and they couldn't carry on, neither could they go back as favor was lost - I also missed a stack of XP as I hadn't yet claimed them from the reapers) - I'd like to see an option on reconnecting to be able to rejoin the last party/mission foillowing a re-connection (maybe with a 5 or 10 minute time limit to do so).
5. Elite Skills - no real biggie, but I think it would be good if you could use 2 elite skills instead of just one BUT restrict it to one from each profession.
6. Drops - make them fairer, as at present one person in a party could get all the decent stuff and the rest sod all - eg. one FoW trip saw one pe5rson getting 5 shards and 2 nice golds with the rest nothing of consequence.
I expect I'll get flamed and told to go and play WOW (never have, never will btw) as GW is a PvP mainly game (rubbish IMO, GW is a good RPG and scores over off-line games because of the co-operative aspect), if anyone has any sensible suggestions or changes to my suggestions I'd be interested to hear them.
Thanks for reading.
1. Lets have a crafter we can un-customise weapons at - even if it's only so they can be used by another character on the same account. I'm bored with my Warrior now, yet can't transfer the weapons on him to another of my characters to use and delete him, which is a pain.
2. Favor - Seeing as this affects 2 PvE areas, it strikes me as completly daft that it's determined by PvP players. Ie. I'm not interested in PvP, yet my access to these areas is determined by relying on other players on my continent getting their arse in gear to win it, which being in Europe dosen't happen often. Personnally I think Favor should affect access to the PvP parts of the game like Team Arena instead, with access to the UW/Fow being determined by missions, maybe with getting to the Ring of Fire being the requirement as you can't be run there or alternatively/in-addition make having at least 50% of the Elite Skills for your primary profession a requirement.
3. Fissure Armour - make it a more attainanable to newer players to the game. As it stands pretty much only those in from the beginning have had the opportunity to raise the gold/materials needed, and now with the in-game economy as it is, unless you're incredibly lucky and find a perfect and desirable gold weapon to sell you have no chance - especially as a lot of the golds are complete rubbish and only fit for salvage. I'm not saying make it easy just easier - eg. cap ecto at 5k and Shards at 2k so fissure is still expensive and needs working for, but not stupidly so, or decrease the number needed of each for a full set of armour to 50. In any event the frequency of ecto dropping needs to be drastically increased - in over 40 hours of UW play I've been allocated 5, at that rate I'll need 840 hours in the UW only, for enough to get a set - a bit at odds with ANETS the game dosen't penalise casual gamers statement (or similar). Maybe an alternative would be to make quest rewards in the UW/FoW Ecto and Shards rather than them being random drops - say 2 ecto or 2 shards to every party member who completes the quest, with the best weapons also being quest rewards and suitable for your character rather than hoping for drops - this gives everyone a fairer chance to get them, and as a bonus wil help ANET nerf the solo farmers as they won't get these things by farming, only by quests.
4. Disconnects - probably the biggest bane of PvE (and I suspect PvP too) players, as they can and do really screw up missions or UW/FoW trips (spent 8 houres in the UW one night and had cleared all but the bone pits when I got kicked - the other's carried on and completed all but 2 UW quests before another got disconnected and they couldn't carry on, neither could they go back as favor was lost - I also missed a stack of XP as I hadn't yet claimed them from the reapers) - I'd like to see an option on reconnecting to be able to rejoin the last party/mission foillowing a re-connection (maybe with a 5 or 10 minute time limit to do so).
5. Elite Skills - no real biggie, but I think it would be good if you could use 2 elite skills instead of just one BUT restrict it to one from each profession.
6. Drops - make them fairer, as at present one person in a party could get all the decent stuff and the rest sod all - eg. one FoW trip saw one pe5rson getting 5 shards and 2 nice golds with the rest nothing of consequence.
I expect I'll get flamed and told to go and play WOW (never have, never will btw) as GW is a PvP mainly game (rubbish IMO, GW is a good RPG and scores over off-line games because of the co-operative aspect), if anyone has any sensible suggestions or changes to my suggestions I'd be interested to hear them.
Thanks for reading.
Kai Nui
I enjoyed your reading, and I completely agree. I think your part about elite skills might not work out so easily though, as there are so many ways it could go wrong. Ether Renewal and some other monk elite would be god like and insanely powerful. In some instances it'd be fine, but others... well that's why it's limited to one. Echo for example along with any other elite would also be insane.
Also, about a customizer, I agree. Why shouldn't PVE characters have access to the PVP weapons? I mean there should be a man handing out pre-customized items in the PVP arenas if you do a quest for him. That way you can use different weapons, runes, and armour while PVPing on your PVE. There should be no disability for using a PVE character, instead they should have an advantage because they bought or skill capped their skills instead of used faction to pay for them cheaply.
Also, about a customizer, I agree. Why shouldn't PVE characters have access to the PVP weapons? I mean there should be a man handing out pre-customized items in the PVP arenas if you do a quest for him. That way you can use different weapons, runes, and armour while PVPing on your PVE. There should be no disability for using a PVE character, instead they should have an advantage because they bought or skill capped their skills instead of used faction to pay for them cheaply.
better than most people who title their threads things like 'changes i want to see made'
decent reading, nice ideas, except for
just because you can't get the armor that was designed to be the optional be-all, end-all thing to work for with ease doesn't mean you're getting 'penalized'
decent reading, nice ideas, except for
Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
a bit at odds with ANETS the game dosen't penalise casual gamers statement (or similar)
One and Two
Shall I be polite and flame you lightly?
Yeah. I'll uncustomize that gold fellblade and sell it for 1000k, since I found a better one.
Who said YOU MUST buy Fissure armors? And no, you won't get rid of farmers. People don't need gold, they just have it. Fissure is like getting rank 9 in PvP. Not everyone deserves it. Face up.
They are random. What do you want...
Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
1. Lets have a crafter we can un-customise weapons at - even if it's only so they can be used by another character on the same account. I'm bored with my Warrior now, yet can't transfer the weapons on him to another of my characters to use and delete him, which is a pain.
Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
3. Fissure Armour - make it a more attainanable to newer players to the game. As it stands pretty much only those in from the beginning have had the opportunity to raise the gold/materials needed, and now with the in-game economy as it is, unless you're incredibly lucky and find a perfect and desirable gold weapon to sell you have no chance - especially as a lot of the golds are complete rubbish and only fit for salvage. I'm not saying make it easy just easier - eg. cap ecto at 5k and Shards at 2k so fissure is still expensive and needs working for, but not stupidly so, or decrease the number needed of each for a full set of armour to 50. In any event the frequency of ecto dropping needs to be drastically increased - in over 40 hours of UW play I've been allocated 5, at that rate I'll need 840 hours in the UW only, for enough to get a set - a bit at odds with ANETS the game dosen't penalise casual gamers statement (or similar). Maybe an alternative would be to make quest rewards in the UW/FoW Ecto and Shards rather than them being random drops - say 2 ecto or 2 shards to every party member who completes the quest, with the best weapons also being quest rewards and suitable for your character rather than hoping for drops - this gives everyone a fairer chance to get them, and as a bonus wil help ANET nerf the solo farmers as they won't get these things by farming, only by quests.
Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
5. Elite Skills - no real biggie, but I think it would be good if you could use 2 elite skills instead of just one BUT restrict it to one from each profession.
Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
6. Drops - make them fairer, as at present one person in a party could get all the decent stuff and the rest sod all - eg. one FoW trip saw one pe5rson getting 5 shards and 2 nice golds with the rest nothing of consequence.
one and two is surprisingly not dumb for a random forumite
this pleases me
this pleases me
Originally Posted by Kakumei
better than most people who title their threads things like 'changes i want to see made'
decent reading, nice ideas, except for just because you can't get the armor that was designed to be the optional be-all, end-all thing to work for with ease doesn't mean you're getting 'penalized' |
Originally Posted by One and Two
Shall I be polite and flame you lightly?
Yeah. I'll uncustomize that gold fellblade and sell it for 1000k, since I found a better one.Who said YOU MUST buy Fissure armors? And no, you won't get rid of farmers. People don't need gold, they just have it. Fissure is like getting rank 9 in PvP. Not everyone deserves it. Face up.HMMMMMMM i got a GREAT IDEA. OATH SHOT+ANYTHING!!!!!! YAy PURE PWNAGE.They are random. What do you want... |
2. No you don't have to buy fissure armour, but it should be made easier for newer players like it was for those in at the start to have a chance of getting it. It strikes me that thee changes were done because of farmers, so they've basically screwed it for the rest (see my previous post about ecto drops). Surely a system that rewards someone for doing the quests and playing the game as designed would be better than rewarding someone who copied someone elses character build off the internet or even bought the gold off ebay getting it?
3. I get the poiint about 2 elite skills - scrub that one.
4. But is it totally random though? I tend to quest with the same people and some do seem to get consistently better droops more frequently than others.
4. Disconnects is a very very good point. If people drop for a minute, and their last party is still a mission, or their party is still grouped in an explorable area, they should have the option upon login with the same character of rejoining the group.
Their party slot is still saved for them that little grey box looks like it's iching to be turned red again.
Also about Favor of the gods needed to get to UW and FoW. I agree it's irritating. My character has no relationship what so ever to the people who won favor in pvp, yet somehow that enables me to get access to the rift?
I thought my character was granted special favor from the gods when she acended. Though I like the fire island restriction, maybe not until they've locked the titans back in?
Their party slot is still saved for them that little grey box looks like it's iching to be turned red again.
Also about Favor of the gods needed to get to UW and FoW. I agree it's irritating. My character has no relationship what so ever to the people who won favor in pvp, yet somehow that enables me to get access to the rift?
I thought my character was granted special favor from the gods when she acended. Though I like the fire island restriction, maybe not until they've locked the titans back in?
Originally Posted by Pompeyfan
It strikes me that thee changes were done because of farmers, so they've basically screwed it for the rest .

ANTI BOT measure and leveled out some super unrandom drop areas
oh for the good old days when you could spend a day getting all your superior runes with half a dozen to sell

Sister Rosette
My God.
I came into this expecting WoW-esque antics, but a couple of these
are GOOD.
I came into this expecting WoW-esque antics, but a couple of these
are GOOD.
I have lots of agreements and disagreements, but don't care to enumerate. However, the one that I want to comment on is fissure armor.
Like 15k armor, fissure armor has the exact same properties.
Let's put it into perspective. Do you think that a Maserati should be made cheaper so that new drivers can afford it? No. Why? Because it's expensive for a reason. It's a luxury. Just like 15k and fissure armor. Does a Maserati get you to the same place as a Geo Metro? Yes. Which one would I rather have? The Maserati, of course. Which one am I actually going to have? Neither, because the Geo Metro is a POS car. I prefer to go halfway and stick with my Caddy.
Like 15k armor, fissure armor has the exact same properties.
Let's put it into perspective. Do you think that a Maserati should be made cheaper so that new drivers can afford it? No. Why? Because it's expensive for a reason. It's a luxury. Just like 15k and fissure armor. Does a Maserati get you to the same place as a Geo Metro? Yes. Which one would I rather have? The Maserati, of course. Which one am I actually going to have? Neither, because the Geo Metro is a POS car. I prefer to go halfway and stick with my Caddy.
Originally Posted by zehly
I have lots of agreements and disagreements, but don't care to enumerate. However, the one that I want to comment on is fissure armor.
Like 15k armor, fissure armor has the exact same properties. Let's put it into perspective. Do you think that a Maserati should be made cheaper so that new drivers can afford it? No. Why? Because it's expensive for a reason. It's a luxury. Just like 15k and fissure armor. Does a Maserati get you to the same place as a Geo Metro? Yes. Which one would I rather have? The Maserati, of course. Which one am I actually going to have? Neither, because the Geo Metro is a POS car. I prefer to go halfway and stick with my Caddy. ~zehly |
To use your analogie somewhat it's like telling new drivers 'get 50 points and you can have a maserati, you'll get 2 points per task' then telling later ones 'get 50 points and you can have a maserati, you'll get 1 every 5 or 6 times you do the task' Maserati is still the same requirement, but for the late comers it's a lot harder to meet that requirement - so the obvious thing to do is adopt a system that alloiws these latecomers the same opportunity the earlier ones had.
i like your ideas, good read. i completly agree with UW/FoW not based on PvP. i do however disagree with the fissure amor thing. if it was easy, people would no longer want it, plus half the fun is getting it (the other half is showing it off