Basic Question about Elementalist Armor


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Silly question, but I push boldly forward anyway because I am curious

I always assumed that if you were mainly a Fire Elementalist, then you would wear Pyromancer armor or mainly Water, then Hydromancer; but the stats just say something like: Armor +15 (Vs. Fire) for Pyromancer and (Vs. Cold) for Hydromancer.

So is it a purely aesthetic choice, or are there reasons for choosing armor that matches your specialization?

Finally, would it matter at all if you took a chest piece from one type and the other pieces from another? Or would you lose some benefit?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Cold Plains of the Midland States

The Lost Number (TLN)

purely cosmetic you can mix and match all you want each piece of armor applies its own benefit to the body part it protects.

My character wears

Fire eye gem
Lightning chest
Hydro gloves
Hydro leggings
Hydro boots

If any element was to hit me in the chest beside lightning it would do more dmg to me

If any element was to hit me in gloves, leggings or boots besides water it would do more dmg to me

I'm a fire ele but i didn't care for the looks of pyromancer armor so i made my own combo.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Thank you!