Longswords... Different looks, same name.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005



We all know how weapons look in that tiny image you see at the weaponsmith or in the inventory... But when I see longswords, I have seen 2 totally different ones. One looks like a shortsword and the other is long and thin like a claymore. When I ask people, they dont know what Im talking about. Once equipped, do these swords look the same on screen, or are they truely two different swords with the same name?


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005



No they look Completly different. If you go to Drognars and buy the max damage Longsword it looks like a Short Sword when Equiped. But i have noticed the Rare or Gold Longswords appear to be longer then Wingblade swords when Equipped.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Squiggilyville. Population: Me.

[oRly] Hello Kitty Death Squad


I have a crystalline sword from n00bland, and its classified as a long sword, how roofels is that =^ . ^=


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


IT depends on where the weapons come from.

If the weapon was crafted, or a quest reward .. its graphic can be different to the norm.

But every longsword you simply 'find' will be identical in looks.