Rosette's Storage Clearout.
Sister Rosette
2 Bought out by Kanwulf The Viking for 25k
All items will go for the best offer. All bids start at 5k.
IGN-Sister Rosette
Happy bidding.
FYI This auction will go until all items are sold.
Nick Hexon
start it up
10k on #2
10k on #2
Sister Rosette
Bump it up. I'm not sure what Grognar's Defender goes for max,
so I'm capping the price at 25k.
Happy bidding.
so I'm capping the price at 25k.
Happy bidding.
I will buyout #2 IGN Kanwulf The Viking
Sister Rosette
Bump it up.
Sister Rosette
Daily bump
Tmm Ryan
6k on #1
Sister Rosette
Sister Rosette
Bumpin a bump.
I'd like to get more than 6k for that shield....but if push comes to shove.
I'd like to get more than 6k for that shield....but if push comes to shove.