Here's the pic:
* Sephis Axe
* Slashing Dmg 6-28 ( Req. 13 Axe Mastery )
* Damage +14% While Health > 50%
* Energy Gain on Hit +1
* -1 Energy Regen
* Health +26
There's no particular buyout at the moment, I'll try to have that info up tomorrow; and no reserve on the auction. Please post bids or buyout offers here.
EDIT: Buyout price set at 120k or 100k+2ecto.
If that is not reached by Saturday afternoon then it will go to the highest bidder.
WTS - 14>50 Sephis Axe
can someone plz tell me what are so good about sephis axes and sickles? i see blood crapy sickles wanting 3k. i mean\what would u pay for an axe with 7-11 dmg?? 3k?maybe there rare though i dunnoe, please someone tell me.
Nice axe: 80k on it: Ign: Leon of troy
daily bump.
And, as I said, axe will go to winner of aution saturday afternoon, unless B/O of 120k is met before that.
And, as I said, axe will go to winner of aution saturday afternoon, unless B/O of 120k is met before that.
Originally Posted by vinhphangb
can someone plz tell me what are so good about sephis axes and sickles? i see blood crapy sickles wanting 3k. i mean\what would u pay for an axe with 7-11 dmg?? 3k?maybe there rare though i dunnoe, please someone tell me.
thx for some odd reason, people seem to think that sephis axes and sickles are "t3h WTFPWNAGE" or something like that. they'll send out a lot of money for these models...
and, a free bump.
thx for some odd reason, people seem to think that sephis axes and sickles are "t3h WTFPWNAGE" or something like that. they'll send out a lot of money for these models...
and, a free bump.
Mistress Nocturnal
i take BO of 120