First off, I'd like to say that this is geared towards the PvP aspect of the game. If there's any other thread with this same suggestion I apologize, but I didn't see one (which is slightly shocking since I think this would have annoyed many people already).
I've found that Tab as well as Ctrl-Clicking is an extremely ineffiecient method of targetting enemies in PvP. This is apparent in IWAY groups with 8 pets and even more so if you should chance upon a minion group. Another instance where targetting becomes ... cluttered, is playing against a Korean group. Their names are sometimes extremely long and you can't even see their number in the Enemy monitor. Also, with European names and American names, you can at least remember kind of what name goes with which enemy character/profession. With Korean names, its extremely hard to differentiate in the midst of battle. Trying to figure out which Mo/Me was the protector by tabbing through the list is awful.
So... I thought about this some and came up with this:
Targetting by number. At the start of the game, you can Tab through the party and take mental notes on what number is what character/role in their group. In the midst of battle, targets can be brought up by selecting their designated number.
This might be implemented by expanding on the current Party Member Selection system. A modifier such as [Shift] could be used to target nearest enemy number. I have party member selection setup on the keypad, so [Shift]+[Num1] could select enemy target (1). This might get messy in Hall of Heroes where there are multiple teams, but I guess the system could be "target nearest enemy number". Calling the target could be activated by using [Ctrl] instead of [Shift] -- [Ctrl]+[Num1].
I had some concerns that it might become too powerful of a targetting system, but I believe it would make for some ease in strategic targetting -- returning to a target that has just been resurrected, acknowledging certain numbers in order of priority and being able to switch back to them without cycling through a whole list of enemies.
Any opinions on this? Conerns?
Suggestion on Targetting
also I like to be able to use mouse to target people from the rador by holding a modify key.
also I like to be able to use mouse to target people from the rador by holding a modify key.
scroll mouse for targetting allies
Shift and scoll mouse for targetting enemies
or visa versa
Shift and scoll mouse for targetting enemies
or visa versa
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Yes target people from the radar! I agree!