WTS A PERFECT GOLD SHIELD!! low 8 tactics required
Round Shield (8 tactics required)
16 Armor
+30Hp Always
Leave a Bid!!!!
If you want to B/O talk to me on GW or leave a post!!!
whats b/o?
Um...this is worth a lot. I got 140k for one that had a req of 10. I'll buy it off you for 5k
Thanos Draco
Originally Posted by talon
Um...this is worth a lot. I got 140k for one that had a req of 10. I'll buy it off you for 5k
What you posted Talon doesn't make any sense. You got a shield of req 10 for 140k yet you are offering him only 5k and his is req 8 and perfect 30 hp health mod making it worth more then a req 10 shield? Obviously something doesn't add up perhaps it was a misprint on your part.
Just so I don't get banned 10k to start you off although it should go for way more good luck.
Just so I don't get banned 10k to start you off although it should go for way more good luck.
Chaos Theory Pvp
^25k^ Just so thanos doesnt get a shield he doesnt really want