selling green and gold



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


I wanna sell these 5 items:

1. Ivor's Icon (green)
energy +12 req. 9 divine favor
smiting prayers +1 (20% chance while using a skill)
improves skill recharge (10% chance)

2. Stinger (green)
max dmg req. 9 marksmanship
dmg +15 (while in a stance)
lengthens poison duration on foe
marksmanship +1 (20% chance while using a skill)

3. Vampiring giant slayers hammer of warding (gold)
max dmg req. 8 hammer mastery
life stealing +3/-1
armor vs. elemental +6

4. Defensive accursed staff of fortitude (gold)
energy +10, max dmg req. 9 curses
improves casting speed using curses skills (15% chance)
armor +5
health +26

5. Hale jeweled staff of shelter (gold)
energy +10, max dmg req. 11 illusion magic
quick recovery from bleeding
health +29
armor +7