usually when im in combat of any kind, the sound effects will randomly get stuck and stutter for like a second or so. Its like the game keeps freezing for a second or less very frequently always when in combat and sound effects are playing, though this doesnt usually impair my ability to play the game, its extremely anoying. Also sometimes i can go long periods without this happening at all and then sometimes itll happen alot for awhile. It also seems possible though im not sure that it just gets worse the more i play.
AMD 2600+
Radeon 9600 XT
NVIDIAnforce2 (motherboard)
Soundblaster Live! 24-bit
768MB ram
using onboard network card
I recently upgraded to 768MB ram from 512 which made no differance. I have also tried 2 other sound cards, a Hercules Gamesuround Muse LT and the onboard soundcard of my motherboard (cant remember the name), with no change in the problem. Also the only other PC game i play World of Warcraft has no such problem.
Problem with sound effects
Could it be a heat related issue?
Also make sure you have your the most current ms whql drivers for your mother board and get the latest sound card driver for you sblive.
Also make sure you have your the most current ms whql drivers for your mother board and get the latest sound card driver for you sblive.