[WTS] an Amazing and Max Chaos Axe (Damage +15% always) and 3 great GREEN Items !!!!
Sir Raleigh
150k for chaos axe
If your interested ill trade you my Uber Good Hammer for the Axe
heres a pic
heres a pic
LOL The hammer is no wear near worth as much as the axe,NT GG.
Originally Posted by Marik-Strife
LOL The hammer is no wear near worth as much as the axe,NT GG.
Funny.. exept that it has perfect stats, its spiky(what people are looking for), and has a relatively low req of 10..
200k on Axe
is this really Achillies ?
is this really Achillies ?
I have two spikey warhammers require 8 and 9 both with 15>50 and perfectly modded,Your frigging hammer is worth about 100k if somebody really wants it that bad,The axe on the other hand is worth 500-800k maybe with the right buyer,Once again NT GG
How come an item with lower dmg etc worth more? could someone explain how that works? (i'm noob when it comes to prices)
15% while enchant req 9 Fell + 50k for axe.
dont reply anyone in THIS thread anymore within 24 hours (forum bumping rule)
i dont want to see thise thread got closed !
dont reply anyone in THIS thread anymore within 24 hours (forum bumping rule)
i dont want to see thise thread got closed !
Sir Raleigh
15k on gordacs needle
200k + 2 ecto on chaos axe
200k + 2 ecto on chaos axe
my offer ^_^
"NT GG" KTHXBYE... u have a grudge against the world Marik
There are no restrictions on what you can offer unless the buyer specifies otherwise. Even if you do regard an offer inappropriate, there is no reason why this should concern anyone else other than the seller. Im sure the seller would appreciate it if you kept your opinions to yourself and resticted your post to strictly bidding on the sellers forum. Although i am contradicting myself by posting this reply it has to be said that your opinions don't help anyone they only make u look like angry immature "know it all" with a chip on your shoulder. Please dont reply to this post with a "who asked for your friggin opinion anyway n**b NT GG KTHNXBYE" You should take some time out to rethink your life in all its glory and maybe you'll grow up a bit