Hurry up with the auction house. Please :-)
Ok, so tonight I decide I'm gonna sell my Razorstone. I think, you know, "WTS Razorstone, 80k c/o, 110k b/o" should get the message across. Inside 3 seconds, 4 people message me, 3 of whom want to buy it at 80, the fourth wants it NOW for 90k... and one claims im a scammer for not selling it to him at 80.
I cannot work up the energy to respond to any of them. The main reason is that this has happened a million plus infinity times, and occurs every time I try to sell anything of value. Anet, please please please hurry up with the auction house before i get banned for flaming someone. Thanks!
I cannot work up the energy to respond to any of them. The main reason is that this has happened a million plus infinity times, and occurs every time I try to sell anything of value. Anet, please please please hurry up with the auction house before i get banned for flaming someone. Thanks!
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Heh, the thing about the Auction House you may dislike is its destined to drive the prices down. Odds are Anet will institute a Pricing restriction, where items will have a buyout price based on certain variables. And since they have said that they dislike the high prices at which items are going for, alot of the high priced items will probably have a much lower forced buyout then what they are currently going for.
And how is this still flawed? Because people who dislike that type of system will not offer their items in the auction house.
And how is this still flawed? Because people who dislike that type of system will not offer their items in the auction house.
However, the people who don't like it may have to suck it up and deal with it. For nearly every semi-common item, and many rare items, there are much better chances of me finding a buyer/seller if I'm working off of everyone who plays GW, and not just one forum site. So they may think their golds are still worth 100k, but if they're going in game for 50, well, good luck with that.
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Another thing they said was the introduction of more traders. And I think the very first one you'll see is a Weapon Upgrade Trader. Specialty items like the Attribute Upgrades will probably still be rare and non-sellable (Not sold by the Trader). But things like perfect Fortitude upgrades will get knocked down in price alot.
Zhou Feng
Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
Another thing they said was the introduction of more traders. And I think the very first one you'll see is a Weapon Upgrade Trader. Specialty items like the Attribute Upgrades will probably still be rare and non-sellable (Not sold by the Trader). But things like perfect Fortitude upgrades will get knocked down in price alot.
Auction House will level and create base values for all items instead of the random price differences for the same item across districts.
A lot of things will go down in price depending on how they implement it.
Example FFXI auction house you place item on auction and you can log off, if someone buy's your item gold is sent to your mog house. If Anet does something similar, I put up my green ivor's staff and then log off and hope I get gold coming to me.
This will create stable values for all items, and drive prices down on a lot. It will only be the truly rare items that will go for high value once the ah effect stabilizes. I personally can't wait for an AH
A lot of things will go down in price depending on how they implement it.
Example FFXI auction house you place item on auction and you can log off, if someone buy's your item gold is sent to your mog house. If Anet does something similar, I put up my green ivor's staff and then log off and hope I get gold coming to me.
This will create stable values for all items, and drive prices down on a lot. It will only be the truly rare items that will go for high value once the ah effect stabilizes. I personally can't wait for an AH
the auction house could also be another gold sink with the *auction house* charging a 5 % (example) fee for the convenience of using it. (5% buyer and seller)
who wouldnt trade 5% less profit for not standing around for an hour or so?
who wouldnt trade 5% less profit for not standing around for an hour or so?
Um, in my opinion, that is a terrible idea. Why create a small gold sink? Think about how people complained when interrupts were "nerfed,' (even through they were actually broken, then fixed) and you will realize that would create the largest bitchfest since prot bond got nerfed, and possibly even larger. "anet gave us a trader but we hav 2 pahy 2 use it? anet is teh sux." etc etc. I really don't want GW or this forum filled up with that crap over and over again. So, I'll take lower prices, but no recurring fees please. (Oh man, I sound like im talking about a bank.) Maybe like the 50g one time fee for storage, but larger.
Drone Manthis
An auction house would be such a blessing... improving trade is a great thing in itself, but removing WTBWTS spam in all cities would be a godsend for PvE.
I know if there was some sort of gold sink aspect to it (like seller only gets 95% of what was paid) I'd still use it, but it would make people bitch. Another idea somebody mentioned would be to charge a small fee per item for the service. That'd probably cause less bitching.
An auction house would be such a blessing... improving trade is a great thing in itself, but removing WTBWTS spam in all cities would be a godsend for PvE.
I know if there was some sort of gold sink aspect to it (like seller only gets 95% of what was paid) I'd still use it, but it would make people bitch. Another idea somebody mentioned would be to charge a small fee per item for the service. That'd probably cause less bitching.
Why not just be patient for a couple of more months? "The" Frog has released on multiple occasions, along with other devs, that a new way of trading is on its way, most likely in Chapter 2 from what I've heard. So just wait, and they'll deceide what's best for GW.
Also, to the OP, why do you set up an ad to sell something, but you don't have the energy to reply to anyone who wants to buy from you. Seriously...what the heck. Why trade if you don't want to trade?
Also, to the OP, why do you set up an ad to sell something, but you don't have the energy to reply to anyone who wants to buy from you. Seriously...what the heck. Why trade if you don't want to trade?
None of them understood what I was saying. From experience, they would probably all claim im a noob for not selling at 80k even if I did talk to them. If a person doesn't know what the heck I'm trying to say in the first place, I'm probably not going to end up trading with them.
Bring on the Auction House!!! My characters are cluttered with nice gold items I really would like to sell but don't since I HATE trading with other players. Yelling "WTS: xxx" for several hours in a row and interacting with idiot buyers is not exactly the way I like to play a computer game. I'd gladly sell my items for a price less then I could sell them to humans for - if I only could sell them in a CONVENIENT way. My ideal auction house would be one where I'd have ZERO interaction with other players, but where I could just drop my items into a box and get the final price booked into my bank.