The Rasta Warriors looking for new Members!
The Rasta Warriors Guild is currently looking for new members. We are a medium sized guild that's just about having fun!
About Us
The founding members of the Guild, were born in Jamaica so this guild celebrates the Jamaican background! We focus on PvP, PvE, and we do alot of Guild vs. Guild, while still managing to farm every now and then. Our guild record for this week was 12-4 in the Guild Hall. We currently have 25 active members in the game, and we are always looking for more.
What we Do?
- Player vs. Player
- Guild vs Guild
- Farm
- Just Talk
- Help members throught tough missions
- Show members tricks / secrets in the game
- and loads of other things
What we need from members?
- Active participation
- Willing to listen to orders
- Willing to respect others [no personal assaults]
- That you sign up and register on the Forums [still being inplemented to guild]
Here is a link to our website [forum] . just go there, Register, and then make a post in Recruitment so we can invite you into our guild!
For anymore info, Private Message me, or email me at [email protected] ... My ingame name is Strag Stormrunner.
Well thanks for your time, and i hope some of you check out the Rasta Warriors Guild!