If you wish to purchase somthing here send me a PM, Whisp in game or email me at [email protected].
Im on and off so ne real time to specify me of being on.
-=Current Stocks=-Sundering Giant Slayers Hammer Of Enchanting (Purple)
Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (Req. 11 hammer Mastery)
Armor Penetration +10% (Chance: 6%)
Enchantments Last 12% Longer
8k obo Poisoners Composite Bow Of Fortitude (Blue)
Pierceing Dmg: 12-26 (Req. 11 marksmanship)
Lengthens Poison Duration On Foe
Health +20
3.5K Half Moon
Piercing Dmg: 15-28 (Req. 12 Markmanship) (blue)
Highly Salvagable
- Summit Axe Of Fortitude (purple)
Dmg +12% (While health is below 50%)
health +24
-=Other Stokes=-Gold unid Rune - 5k
Purple Unid Rune - 1.5k
Blue Unid Rune - 500g