First off I'd like to say I LOVE this game! Just got to Asension and it kick's ass.
But there is a few very minor things that would help out the game (IMO). These wouldn't take that long to add into the game and would make things alot better.
1.) Have drawing lines be the color of the team mate. I mean by this like player 1 in the party would be red, player 2 would be blue, etc. This would be good when someone if screwing around in your team and spamming penis's on the screen and you know who it is.
2.) ctrl + click on item to link it to chat. Blizz did this with WoW and made it very easy to trade. You could link items to chat and people could click on it to see what it is.
3.) Show the color of the item when a party member picks it up. Like when you think a normal sword droped but really its a nice yellow sword. You have no idea knowing this unless you see it on the ground or he tells you. Add color to the item on the chat log so you know how rare it is.
Just a few small things that could make this game better.
A few things I would like to see