1- blue max deadly cesta, req 8 death, +10 energy, energy reg-1;
2- gold max deadly cesta, req 9 death, improves skill recharge using blood [17%]
3- gold max deadly cesta, req 12 death, improves skill recharge [all] [10%]
4- gold 11-21 deadly cesta req 10 death, +3 energy hp^50%, improves skill recharge using protection [17%]
5- gold max truncheon req 8 blood, +3 energy while enchanted
6- gold max truncheon req 12 blood, +4 energy while enchanted
7- gold max truncheon req 12 blood, improves skill recharge [all] [10%]
starting prices:
1- --- b/o ??
2- 1k b/o 5k
3- 3k b/o 7k
4- 4k b/o 10k
5- 4k b/o 7k
6- 6k b/o 12k
7- 3k b/o 7k
can pm me ingame, but ill keep this for 2 days ..
after that, high bid wins.
thks all for seeing this.
i accept any coments, if wanna say something.
note: im not sure price on item 1 because thats the first time i see a blue item with + 10 energy.
WTS 6 gold/ 1 blue necro weapons
lol bump bump bump.
>< bump bump