Oooh Burned
At least he gave you fair warning o_o I used to get "OmG GuiLD?!?!?1!1oneshift" all the time, if any whispers at all ^_^
Polite people are always nice though, so... don't dissuade them
Polite people are always nice though, so... don't dissuade them
omg my friend munky and ciax is there lol
One and Two
asp...what happen to your guild?
Love Ke and Tom Kelly decided to go play WoW for a while, so we all went our own ways, and I decided I don't like having a cape >.>
agent of ascalon
thats nice of him
I still get people PMing me to be in their guild, even though I'm in one. Probably because TS doesn't have a cape. (Which is the way I like it.)
Luck you, you actually have people say something to you.
I just get spammed with guild invites when I'm on my monk. Nobody ever actually asks if i want to join their guild, or tells me about it or anything.
"Hey look a capeless monk!" *SPAM SPAM SPAM*
I just get spammed with guild invites when I'm on my monk. Nobody ever actually asks if i want to join their guild, or tells me about it or anything.
"Hey look a capeless monk!" *SPAM SPAM SPAM*
Kago Seirei
Even though I'm the leader of my own guild, TS always ask me to join. -.-'' Also [Life] wants me to join them too. /sigh
for a while there i was saving up all my guild invites to which they didnt even ask me if i wanted to join, i had like 30, then i enjoyed the declining of all 30 of them. thanks to anet for making them pay 100g for each invite i have only had a few unwanted invites
Sai of Winter
Ooooh they got burned, burn dude, burn dude burn, burn....
LOL added a new convo clip.