Selling Perfect Brute Sword(Req8)15>50 and Perfect Chaos(Req8)
this thread is closed

syrius el barbarian
100k syrius el barbarian
150k and would like to no b/o ign satanic slayer
Blade Destiny
syrius el barbarian
330k yap
Xan Tritus
wow these are starting to crop all over the place, thats the fourth one ive seen this week.. . may i ask how you got it? (pm me)
Originally Posted by Xan Tritus
wow these are starting to crop all over the place, thats the fourth one ive seen this week.. . may i ask how you got it? (pm me)
I bought mine unided off one of those spam sellers for 15k lol
Xan Tritus
rofl nice one mate
syrius el barbarian
grim peirce
24 hours bump,I upgraded the brute with perfect furious hilt. I will be away until monday.Happy bidding
24 hours bump
syrius el barbarian
24 hours bump
24 hours bump(to reply the stupid thread below)no one bid it does not make me to sell it. i have money i dont have to sell it for dirt cheap and i already got 500k in game offer。You pm any brute req8 sword holder, offer them 600k, i bet nobody will sell it to you.Search the forum, and check out how much ppl selling thier non-perfect brute swords for.(to reply razing's thread)the one selling above is req10 and req10 has nothing close to perfect req8.fellblade req10 sells for 300~400k and req8 fellblade goes for around 1 million.You cannot compare req 8 with req10:d.Again. search in the forum and see how much they go for
. BTW,the seller is not selling it for 110k.How much ppl offer do not affect the value of the item.I can offer 5k on perfect req8 15>50 crystalline.Does my offer make the crytalline worth merely 5k?Will the seller sell it to me for 5k?(and to reply derry ).They still do(maybe):d.LBS sold hers recently for 130ecots:d that is more than 1 mill i guess:d

time to face facts... no one is going to bid higher no matter how times you have to concecutively bump
its a rare sword
Arch Ownz
ign arch ownz

There is another one going right above this thread for 110K atm, rofl

Originally Posted by Tommy
24 hours bump(to reply the stupid thread below)no one bid it does not make me to sell it. i have money i dont have to sell it for dirt cheap and i already got 500k in game offer。You pm any brute req8 sword holder, offer them 600k, i bet nobody will sell it to you.Search the forum, and check out how much ppl selling thier non-perfect brute swords for.(to reply razing's thread)the one selling above is req10 and req10 has nothing close to perfect req8.fellblade req10 sells for 300~400k and req8 fellblade goes for around 1 million.You cannot compare req 8 with req10:d.Again. search in the forum and see how much they go for
. BTW,the seller is not selling it for 110k.How much ppl offer do not affect the value of the item.I can offer 5k on perfect req8 15>50 crystalline.Does my offer make the crytalline worth merely 5k?Will the seller sell it to me for 5k?
I agree with you i have the same sword and not selling it for any less then 600k because its actually rarer then fellblades drop wise just not as in-demand. Thats why these cost so much.

free bump,a brute sword worth that much?
Dont compare this to fellblades: They dont sell for 1000k anymore. The Brute sword is just about the only item in the game (Besides Dwarven Axes) that havent dropped in price. They are still worth alot of money, i wouldnt sell for less than 600k
24 hours bump added perfect chaos for sale.
10k on nice chaos axe!
100k for chaos
Originally Posted by derrtyboy69
Dont compare this to fellblades: They dont sell for 1000k anymore. The Brute sword is just about the only item in the game (Besides Dwarven Axes) that havent dropped in price. They are still worth alot of money, i wouldnt sell for less than 600k
Is there an echo in here?? lol
Hey Tommy. Its not the brute sword I need (need 15% stance only).
I send u private message too.
550K Chaos
I send u private message too.
550K Chaos
wtf are people bidding on both or for just one and not stating on what theyre bidding on? im confused. i love brute swords personally and am currently using one. looks awesome with black ascalon armor with a skull shield :P
i would bid but this thread is f*cked. ign is julia riojin if you wanna talk to me bout pricing i may buy with a buyout
i would bid but this thread is f*cked. ign is julia riojin if you wanna talk to me bout pricing i may buy with a buyout
24 hours bump:d
Erm can anyone tell me why the heck this is worth so much?
24 hours bump,i changed chaos 15/-10 with 15>50.
24 hours bump
100k to start you on the chaos
24 hours bubmp
500k on 8 15>50 chaos axe.
wtf you guys smoking, isn't current offer on chaos axe
600k for chaos
Originally Posted by Ghost.
wtf you guys smoking, isn't current offer on chaos axe
100k+50ecto? when i saw his post it was 100k and 10 ectos.
he probably midtyped, but i was thinking "WTF?"
100k+50ecto? when i saw his post it was 100k and 10 ectos.
he probably midtyped, but i was thinking "WTF?"