Impossibility of PvE Monk??
Ive read countless threads about PvE monks complaining about retarded warriors, incompitant groups, and just plain noobs. I've seen the leeroys and the ubar hax paladins that are complete morons. I made a PvE monk(i somewhat enjoy pvp monking, i decided to give this a try). Honestly, monk is a cakewalk. I have not been yelled at ONCE by any group, for problems healing or anything besides being an asshole(which i do just for fun, nothing that i wouldnt do with any other char). I've made it all the way to Hell's Precipace with minor scratches, having to retry ring of fire a few times. The dreaded aurora glade, where nobody knows where to do. All 5 of my partners die and its just me, and i complete the mission using imagined burden and healing breeze while capping the altars. The dreaded Thunderhead keep, beat it first time. Joined a 7/8 group with leeroy trap rangers and people that dont know what they are doing. I arranged the keep and completed the mission easily. When I dont get leeroy warriors I even run in first myself and run around trying to dodge and heal just for fun, because without the difficulties it isnt even fun.
My point is, I think that all of the people complaining of monks being hard are really the bad players in the group themselves. When they get yelled at for not healing the leeroy warrior, maybe its their fault that they were not paying attention. Does anyone else agree with me that PvE monk is the biggest cakewalk in the game?
My point is, I think that all of the people complaining of monks being hard are really the bad players in the group themselves. When they get yelled at for not healing the leeroy warrior, maybe its their fault that they were not paying attention. Does anyone else agree with me that PvE monk is the biggest cakewalk in the game?
You got people to listen to you at Thunderhead? Wow... that's a first. :P I took 2 shots at that mission tonight. Both times we got to the keep... and the group broke down. I tried to lay out exactly what the plan was... and it was like I was talking to a roomful of 5 year-olds. No one would follow directions, no one stayed in their positions, and we got overrun while people screamed at each other.
I think I'm going to start a PvE monk and then just sit around in critical mission areas (TK, HP, ascension missions) just to annoy people.
I think I'm going to start a PvE monk and then just sit around in critical mission areas (TK, HP, ascension missions) just to annoy people.
I agree with you that the guys who yell at you and keep complaining are probablly the bad players.
I however disagree that a pve monk is the "biggest cakewalk in the game".
Monking gets hard in the latter stages of the game, a lot harder than being say a an ele.
I however disagree that a pve monk is the "biggest cakewalk in the game".
Monking gets hard in the latter stages of the game, a lot harder than being say a an ele.
Legendary Battousai
Originally Posted by Nigy
I agree with you that the guys who yell at you and keep complaining are probablly the bad players.
I however disagree that a pve monk is the "biggest cakewalk in the game". Monking gets hard in the latter stages of the game, a lot harder than being say a an ele. |
press num pad 1>press key 1> press key 2> press app button [my ventrilo button and say Seeding 1]> press key 5.
Job done. that was hard.
Elementalist: get ass kicked>blame the healer>press the format C drive button>/endprocess
I disagree, besidses PvP monking isnt difficult. SOMETIMES in the Hells precipice mission i have problems, but thats usually 100% other ppls fault and I never get blamed for it. Once I was monking with another monk in the mission. I'm not sure why, but i decided i didnt like him. I didnt heal and made ppl die and pretended like it was his fault. After about 4-5 mobs he left and it was just me solo monking for the mission. We lasted atleast another 30 minutes, for some reason we attempted the bonus which we failed miserably.
It's both easy and hard. It's easy when you have a build which works well in the specific area you're in, but incredibly hard if that's not the case.
A warrior for instance, can get away with the wrong skill set without too many people noticing. Eles have the fun problem of everyone expecting them to be pyromancers, but other than that, they don't seem to have a wrong skill bar problem. Mesmers.. well.. mesmers stand around looking usless anyway, so no problem there
Necros (I haven't played them) Rangers (same problem for me) Monks... if your skill set sux, there goes the team.
Because monk is a profession which deals primarily with helping the rest of the team, you will need a team which is willing to listen to you about needing to regen energy and won't rush into too many things at once.
And sometimes, it takes me two or three goes to get a mission done due to the wrong skills, but everytime we hit town, I'll adjust them to suit the team.
A warrior for instance, can get away with the wrong skill set without too many people noticing. Eles have the fun problem of everyone expecting them to be pyromancers, but other than that, they don't seem to have a wrong skill bar problem. Mesmers.. well.. mesmers stand around looking usless anyway, so no problem there

Because monk is a profession which deals primarily with helping the rest of the team, you will need a team which is willing to listen to you about needing to regen energy and won't rush into too many things at once.
And sometimes, it takes me two or three goes to get a mission done due to the wrong skills, but everytime we hit town, I'll adjust them to suit the team.
Pevil Lihatuh
monking depends on the team.
I'm finding it easy, because Im playing with my boyfriend and a mate of ours, plus henchies. They know to listen to my energy levels and not to aggro 20 enemies at once, and I know to concentrate on them before the henchies.
To be honest, monks are identical to all other professions. If you have a good team, any profession is easy. If you have a team that won't work together, or listen to anyones opinions/thoughts on how to get past a tough spot, you're gonna suck no matter how good you as an individual are.
Got a bad warrior? Bye bye squishies.
Got a bad ranger? There goes pulling strategy
Got a bad mesmer? No interruption
etc etc. Of course, this is a generalisation of what the roles do anyway, but you get my point.
A great monk is nothing without a great team. I think you must have gotten incredibly lucky. I've not ever played my monk with a PUG except once (and got lucky then, plus it was only at the Fort Ranik mission, where you can heal a lot compared to health loss). But from playing through to Abaddons Mouth with my Ranger, I've seen first hand the abuse monks can get from 'bad' players. I've also seen the praise an amazing monk can get. Unfortunately I forget his name, but for the Dragons Lair mission, we had the best monk EVER. He was great at his job. Some stupid N/W left because she kept running ahead and aggroing everything, despite being a Necro, and kept dying before we could get near her.
I'm finding it easy, because Im playing with my boyfriend and a mate of ours, plus henchies. They know to listen to my energy levels and not to aggro 20 enemies at once, and I know to concentrate on them before the henchies.
To be honest, monks are identical to all other professions. If you have a good team, any profession is easy. If you have a team that won't work together, or listen to anyones opinions/thoughts on how to get past a tough spot, you're gonna suck no matter how good you as an individual are.
Got a bad warrior? Bye bye squishies.
Got a bad ranger? There goes pulling strategy
Got a bad mesmer? No interruption
etc etc. Of course, this is a generalisation of what the roles do anyway, but you get my point.
A great monk is nothing without a great team. I think you must have gotten incredibly lucky. I've not ever played my monk with a PUG except once (and got lucky then, plus it was only at the Fort Ranik mission, where you can heal a lot compared to health loss). But from playing through to Abaddons Mouth with my Ranger, I've seen first hand the abuse monks can get from 'bad' players. I've also seen the praise an amazing monk can get. Unfortunately I forget his name, but for the Dragons Lair mission, we had the best monk EVER. He was great at his job. Some stupid N/W left because she kept running ahead and aggroing everything, despite being a Necro, and kept dying before we could get near her.
The OP's post looks suspiciously like trolling
. too many blatant and false allegations.
So you was keeping the leeroys alive with just healing seed? Don't forget to grab mending next time too - that's infinite health!
/sarcasm mode off

So you was keeping the leeroys alive with just healing seed? Don't forget to grab mending next time too - that's infinite health!
/sarcasm mode off
Charcoal Ann
Originally Posted by CAT
SOMETIMES in the Hells precipice mission i have problems, but thats usually 100% other ppls fault and I never get blamed for it.
personally my monk history has been very good compared to some posters. however i have landed my share of asshats in god knows how many hours of play. those people get the group killed. 100% their fault. then proceed to blame the monk.
lucky i'd say.
Originally Posted by CAT
Ive read countless threads about PvE monks complaining about retarded warriors, incompitant groups, and just plain noobs. I've seen the leeroys and the ubar hax paladins that are complete morons. I made a PvE monk(i somewhat enjoy pvp monking, i decided to give this a try). Honestly, monk is a cakewalk. I have not been yelled at ONCE by any group, for problems healing or anything besides being an asshole(which i do just for fun, nothing that i wouldnt do with any other char). I've made it all the way to Hell's Precipace with minor scratches, having to retry ring of fire a few times. The dreaded aurora glade, where nobody knows where to do. All 5 of my partners die and its just me, and i complete the mission using imagined burden and healing breeze while capping the altars. The dreaded Thunderhead keep, beat it first time. Joined a 7/8 group with leeroy trap rangers and people that dont know what they are doing. I arranged the keep and completed the mission easily. When I dont get leeroy warriors I even run in first myself and run around trying to dodge and heal just for fun, because without the difficulties it isnt even fun.
My point is, I think that all of the people complaining of monks being hard are really the bad players in the group themselves. When they get yelled at for not healing the leeroy warrior, maybe its their fault that they were not paying attention. Does anyone else agree with me that PvE monk is the biggest cakewalk in the game? |
You have either been very lucky or you are simply playing ignorant about what goes on in most parties.
Sister Rosette
Or ignorant about monking.
People who have never played one for any extended amount
of time don't understand it. Monks have finite energy. They
have cooldown times on their heals. And they have to click
the player they want to heal for a specific heal. We aren't these
f'ng uber super-life-fixers that only stop healing because 'we don't
like you.' They face the same restrictions (if not more) than every
other class.
And for the record, a person who plays a monk and blames 100% of
everything that went wrong on the rest of the party is no better than
the rest of the party blaming 100% of everything that went wrong on
the monk.
People who have never played one for any extended amount
of time don't understand it. Monks have finite energy. They
have cooldown times on their heals. And they have to click
the player they want to heal for a specific heal. We aren't these
f'ng uber super-life-fixers that only stop healing because 'we don't
like you.' They face the same restrictions (if not more) than every
other class.
And for the record, a person who plays a monk and blames 100% of
everything that went wrong on the rest of the party is no better than
the rest of the party blaming 100% of everything that went wrong on
the monk.
Originally Posted by Sister Rosette
Or ignorant about monking.
People who have never played one for any extended amount of time don't understand it. Monks have finite energy. They have cooldown times on their heals. And they have to click the player they want to heal for a specific heal. We aren't these f'ng uber super-life-fixers that only stop healing because 'we don't like you.' They face the same restrictions (if not more) than every other class. And for the record, a person who plays a monk and blames 100% of everything that went wrong on the rest of the party is no better than the rest of the party blaming 100% of everything that went wrong on the monk. |
I agree, its a team effort for sure.
Well, except for that click part.
You could as well just assign your partymembers to your numblock and never ever touch the mouse again while playing. Really improves the healing performance though it is a bit complicated to start with.
Besides, the OP is just a bragging post. Aimed at making some folks furious about them getting all the hatred.
You could as well just assign your partymembers to your numblock and never ever touch the mouse again while playing. Really improves the healing performance though it is a bit complicated to start with.
Besides, the OP is just a bragging post. Aimed at making some folks furious about them getting all the hatred.
Yes yes, monking is *so* easy, everything *always* works, you *never* run out of energy, no one *ever* gets spiked so hard that you cannot heal him, you *never* get hexed, interrupted, nobody *ever* agros anything, you *don't* spend half of game watching red bars.
Playing monk is pure heaven. And no other class complains about Monks, *ever*.
Playing monk is pure heaven. And no other class complains about Monks, *ever*.
Originally Posted by KaPe
Yes yes, monking is *so* easy, everything *always* works, you *never* run out of energy, no one *ever* gets spiked so hard that you cannot heal him, you *never* get hexed, interrupted, nobody *ever* agros anything, you *don't* spend half of game watching red bars.
Playing monk is pure heaven. And no other class complains about Monks, *ever*. |
Former Ruling
I admit I'm newer, and I have only done the quests through Divinity Coast.
The main problem I've seen so far is every person comes into the Mission with their own agenda - and it can be hard to make everyoe agree on what should be done.
This hasn't been a huge problem with the missions so far - as their all pretty straight forward go through and kill as long as we can handle the monster load its fine. BUt I can see where this can get annoying later.
I have done the Borlis pass mission maybe..6-8 times..for fun..I've done it with hencies..3 monk..all sorts of weird PUGs. Last time I went we had a group of good lvl'ed people (a lvl20 and a lvl19 too) 2 monks, 2 warrior/mo's, and 2 rangers (1 is me). You'd think we would steamroll right through it.. Nope..We barely made it past the bonus cave before losing. One of the warriors arrgo'ed 3 groups of the Stone summit people (the groups that have the Rider surounded by 3-4 stone summit guys)...Of course they started trying to hack random stone summit guys..and didn't kill a one of them (The riders heal effectively)..I was the only one alive in the end..and I just left..
The main problem I've seen so far is every person comes into the Mission with their own agenda - and it can be hard to make everyoe agree on what should be done.
This hasn't been a huge problem with the missions so far - as their all pretty straight forward go through and kill as long as we can handle the monster load its fine. BUt I can see where this can get annoying later.
I have done the Borlis pass mission maybe..6-8 times..for fun..I've done it with hencies..3 monk..all sorts of weird PUGs. Last time I went we had a group of good lvl'ed people (a lvl20 and a lvl19 too) 2 monks, 2 warrior/mo's, and 2 rangers (1 is me). You'd think we would steamroll right through it.. Nope..We barely made it past the bonus cave before losing. One of the warriors arrgo'ed 3 groups of the Stone summit people (the groups that have the Rider surounded by 3-4 stone summit guys)...Of course they started trying to hack random stone summit guys..and didn't kill a one of them (The riders heal effectively)..I was the only one alive in the end..and I just left..
Perishiko ReLLiK
As a monk myself, I've got to add in... I've not used human players for any mission, except elona's reach, in which i payed 1k to get it done(?Wow, cheap for how long that mission can take with henchies pulling).
Just now getting along in drok's, but i'm sure that since i used my ele to beat the end game missions, i can beat it with my monk... Smiting is giving more aoe damage then my ele, and i also use prot/healing spells. Easy peasy.
Who said being a monk was hard? Oh ya... i forget that some people play with others, my bad...
I admit though, one mission i had a problem with, and asked a guild members, only needed one.
This game's so much easier then it use to be... heh.
Just now getting along in drok's, but i'm sure that since i used my ele to beat the end game missions, i can beat it with my monk... Smiting is giving more aoe damage then my ele, and i also use prot/healing spells. Easy peasy.
Who said being a monk was hard? Oh ya... i forget that some people play with others, my bad...
I admit though, one mission i had a problem with, and asked a guild members, only needed one.
This game's so much easier then it use to be... heh.
Originally Posted by Perishiko ReLLiK
As a monk myself, I've got to add in... I've not used human players for any mission, except elona's reach, in which i payed 1k to get it done(?Wow, cheap for how long that mission can take with henchies pulling).
Just now getting along in drok's, but i'm sure that since i used my ele to beat the end game missions, i can beat it with my monk... Smiting is giving more aoe damage then my ele, and i also use prot/healing spells. Easy peasy. Who said being a monk was hard? Oh ya... i forget that some people play with others, my bad... I admit though, one mission i had a problem with, and asked a guild members, only needed one. This game's so much easier then it use to be... heh. |
I'm actually really impressed that you can play a monk with only henchies and not get bored out of your mind.
I always had to swap to mesmer/smiter whenever running with henchies. Otherwise I get so freaking bored, because henchies are so much less interesting than real people.
Haha, go and play in europe. There is some sort of no talk agenda going on. No one ever speaks a word there... you can greet them, you can ask them, you can do anything and won't get a response.
And besides talking, the only other real difference is... is there any besides henchmen actually sticking to the target?
And besides talking, the only other real difference is... is there any besides henchmen actually sticking to the target?
Basicly PvE monking all depends on your group. If you have a good group that takes the blame if they do something wrong then its all good and you like monking. Then you get a bad group that blames you for the warrior aggroing the whole map. Then you have a bad experience.
But as for me ive had my good and bad groups. And i have ways of treating the bad groups. If warrior A starts yelling at me cuz he died and i "didnt" use one heal on him and bla bla bla. ill rez him and that will be the last he sees of me until he finaly gets it through his head that it was his fault. once he appoligizes i have done 2 things.
1. Made him realize whoes fault it is
2. One less annoying 7 yr old blaming monks
But as for me ive had my good and bad groups. And i have ways of treating the bad groups. If warrior A starts yelling at me cuz he died and i "didnt" use one heal on him and bla bla bla. ill rez him and that will be the last he sees of me until he finaly gets it through his head that it was his fault. once he appoligizes i have done 2 things.
1. Made him realize whoes fault it is
2. One less annoying 7 yr old blaming monks
My monk had an easy time through the game (unlike my ranger, because people are "classist"
). I had to repeat two out of the three desert missions once and I had to repeat Abbadon's once, and that was pretty much all that went wrong. Sure, once in awhile somebody would run off, die, and swear. But they were generally swearing at the entire group, plus my brain has a built-in moron filter
Kind of off-topic, but I do not know why Thunderhead is dreaded. Everytime I have taken a character to thunderhead, I beat it first try...

Kind of off-topic, but I do not know why Thunderhead is dreaded. Everytime I have taken a character to thunderhead, I beat it first try...
Gustav Gloomp
monks are a fun and fairly easy class to play as. the hardest class is probably the mesmer.
The amount of blaming, yelling, insulting, ect, was quite low for my monk, though I haven't play him much. It just depends on what type of people you get in your party. I either solo with henchies or drag a friend along when I"m doing quests, but I normally find a PUG for missions or drag a friend along with the PUG. No one has called me a noob monk so far and I haven't seen many people call the monks in the PUGs I find for my ele noobs either. I might be just lucky, but I think most people blame the warriors for being idiots more then the monks. Well at least I do, though normally the warriors are being idiots.
Originally Posted by CAT
All 5 of my partners die and its just me, and i complete the mission using imagined burden and healing breeze while capping the altars.