So as the title asks, where do the Guild Wars developers post (if ever). You see I have come with a bad rash of WHERE THE %#@% ARE THE DEVS?!?! from playing WoW and I just hope that the devs actually post on some forums around here?
Where do devs post?
Look at the 'Game Updates Page - New Addition to Site' topic, which, at time of posting, is directly below your topic.
Yes I see that , but what I mean is do they ever post in other peoples topics. Like lets say someone posts a thread saying "The quest in so and so is broken" will a dev ever post inside the thread saying "Well we are looking in that problem". That kinda stuff, because I really like it when the devs actually listen, not just say they're listening and then nerf the hell out of classes. (*cough* WoW *cough*)