Hi, I was thinking about creating a nifty dye combonation and I was wondering if it is even possible.
Can I combine green, blue, silver dye to form another dye? If so does the order of combining efect anything? And can I keep combining dyes to get one very I guess "tyedie" effect?
quick dye question
no i dont think you can at this point but it would be cool if you could
Rushing Wind
I don't think you can mix to create a different colored vial of dye. You can mix dyes on armor and weapons to get a color of your choice. That though is a matter of trial and error and it will end up being one color, not multi-colored.
Yes, it would definitely be wicked to be able to create your own form of a dye though!
Yes, it would definitely be wicked to be able to create your own form of a dye though!
You can mix dyes. I mixed a green and blue dye. The new vial of dye will just say mixed. Though the color looked teal. When I put it on my armor it was definately teal as well. I don't think you will get the tie dyed effect though, it will just be one color.
Olfin Bedwere
You can mix up to 4 dyes. Read this thread, there`s a program that mixes buckets of dye for you and also about mid way is a color chart.
Dravic Badmoon
hehehhe thinks for pointing them to my post, hopefully i can get the admins to make it a sticky