Simple Question... Found no answer
Rushing Wind
Hoping someone can give me some insight about where fur can be found or if it comes from being salvaged. No more secrets... tell me!
I need it (at least would like to have it) for some upgraded armor for my Warrior.

Harvey Blade
You can occasionally (by which I mean very rarely) salvage it from char hides using an expert kit.
Rushing Wind
Great! Now I'm going to very slowly save up for that upgraded Ascalon armor I've been keeping my eye on! Looks like I might have to go a different route then... Thanks for the info.
Dumb question but... have you ever had one come from a normal salvaging kit?
Dumb question but... have you ever had one come from a normal salvaging kit?
Harvey Blade
No, I've never seen one come from a normal kit. To be honest, it doesn't seem fiscally sound to me to go through so many expert kits, it seems like its less than a 1 in 10 chance to get fur even with the expert kit.
Rushing Wind
Guess I'll just have to hunt the damnable Charr to extinction until I get all the fur I need! Thanks for the pointers Harvey.
dood. this is ridiculous.
i honestly think there is like 20 'Where do i find fur' whines on this forum.
will the admins like sticky one or please delete/ban users posting this question OVER and OVER.
This Q&A forum is quickly turning into like 20 questions, asked over and over again.
there is a function at the top of the page, called SEARCH.
maybe you would have to have a minimum of posts before creating a new topic. Then the spam would be rife.
Bah it all comes down to the community. Kids will be kids i guess.
You dont see this sorta stuff in more mature communites (ie EvE Online)
i honestly think there is like 20 'Where do i find fur' whines on this forum.
will the admins like sticky one or please delete/ban users posting this question OVER and OVER.
This Q&A forum is quickly turning into like 20 questions, asked over and over again.
there is a function at the top of the page, called SEARCH.
maybe you would have to have a minimum of posts before creating a new topic. Then the spam would be rife.
Bah it all comes down to the community. Kids will be kids i guess.
You dont see this sorta stuff in more mature communites (ie EvE Online)
Ashleigh McMahon
Please use the search button.
Rushing Wind
Originally Posted by m3th
will the admins like sticky one or please delete/ban users posting this question OVER and OVER.
All the ones I've read in the past never give much for information (at least not when I've read them). This is the first one that I've caught something worth reading and finally understanding how and where to get it.
Feel free to hate and flame but its just a question. Nothing to get heated over.
lol now you should relax.
here is an example:
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we.. *parent closes book that they were reading, turns around and crowns kid with it*
It is seriously like the millionth post about Fur, and if you go to Ascalon City youll see (i was laughin my ass off) people selling expert salvage kits for 600gp with the message:
and people were buying them.
So its not just you, there is a culture in this game of the 'fps' style player who may not have ever read anything more than a cereal box in thier lives. The entire concept of researching material and actually using knowledge and learning to accomplish tasks is forgien to many of the 'CS style' crew.
They expect to walk ingame, yell a bit, say ROFLLOLWTF a few times and have all the answers they need.
A similar approach is used on these forums.
So hey man, relax. Im sorry if i sounded real mean, im just personally disappointed in the GW community and eventually may play something else purley for the ppl.
Your question is a vaild one. You posted in a civil and adult manner. It just it was an old one and we have seen it lots thats all.
I was just making a request to teh admins to sticky this info so ppl can see it even without having to look for the search button.
and as a peace offering, heres some info
You apparently can buy the fur squares from a Materials Trader just outside Lions Arch. Myself being a Warrior was contemplating the long Charr Hide and salvage festival but once i learned this i resolved to find this trader and check the price before i bugger around with it at all.
You can buy them off people in AC as well, for around 800gp. If the Material trader is cheaper than this, well, just wait till LA and use the other armour till then.
here is an example:
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?
Are we.. *parent closes book that they were reading, turns around and crowns kid with it*
It is seriously like the millionth post about Fur, and if you go to Ascalon City youll see (i was laughin my ass off) people selling expert salvage kits for 600gp with the message:
and people were buying them.
So its not just you, there is a culture in this game of the 'fps' style player who may not have ever read anything more than a cereal box in thier lives. The entire concept of researching material and actually using knowledge and learning to accomplish tasks is forgien to many of the 'CS style' crew.
They expect to walk ingame, yell a bit, say ROFLLOLWTF a few times and have all the answers they need.
A similar approach is used on these forums.
So hey man, relax. Im sorry if i sounded real mean, im just personally disappointed in the GW community and eventually may play something else purley for the ppl.
Your question is a vaild one. You posted in a civil and adult manner. It just it was an old one and we have seen it lots thats all.
I was just making a request to teh admins to sticky this info so ppl can see it even without having to look for the search button.
and as a peace offering, heres some info

You apparently can buy the fur squares from a Materials Trader just outside Lions Arch. Myself being a Warrior was contemplating the long Charr Hide and salvage festival but once i learned this i resolved to find this trader and check the price before i bugger around with it at all.
You can buy them off people in AC as well, for around 800gp. If the Material trader is cheaper than this, well, just wait till LA and use the other armour till then.