Midgit Monkeys?
Zhou Feng
Yes I want to know what's up with them? I've been playing Axe Warrior lately (and having fun ripping people :P) And I keep seeing in my team and opponent midgit monks??? What's up with them? I asked but no one knows a sutiable answer? IS there an advantage for bein a small monk???
One and Two
If its female, the smaller is cuter than the amazonian monster female monks.
Zhou Feng
Originally Posted by One and Two
If its female, the smaller is cuter than the amazonian monster female monks.
People just think if you're smaller you're less likely to be noticed and hence attacked. That's all there is too it at least from a PvP standpoint.
The smaller you are and the more you move around the harder it is to click you. That's the best explanation I've heard.
Zhou Feng
Originally Posted by Sarus
People just think if you're smaller you're less likely to be noticed and hence attacked. That's all there is too it at least from a PvP standpoint.
Originally Posted by Zhou Feng
Thats a laugh! All I have to do is press c tab until monk space bar and swing axe! Being small isnt gonna hide him... BUT I did notice that maybe the collision detection is less so they can "weave" by two people where "bigger" folk cant. I put my healer on midgit and so did my necro.
My characters are always average size or one below average.